

ez publish / technical manual / 3.8 / reference / content classes

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Content classes


Article Defines a structure for storing articles. article Yes.
Comment Defines a structure for storing comments/feedback. comment No.
Company Defines a structure for storing information about comapnies. company No.
Feedback form Defines a structure for feedback forms. feedback_form No.
Folder Defines a structure for folders / information pages. folder Yes.
Forum Defines a structure for storing forums. forum Yes.
Forum reply Defines a structure for storing forum replies. forum_reply No.
Forum topic Defines a structure for storing forum topics. forum_topic No.
Gallery Defines a structure for storing image galleries. gallery Yes.
Link Defines a structure for storing hyperlinks. link No.
Person Defines a structure for storing information about people. person No.
Poll Defines a structure for storing polls. poll No.
Product Defines a strucutre for storing information about products. product Yes.
Review Defines a structure for storing product reviews. review No.
Weblog Defines a structure for storing personal logs. weblog Yes.


File Defines a structure for storing binary files. file No.
Flash Defines a structure for storing Macromedia Flash files. flash No.
Image Defines a structure for storing digital images. image No.
QuickTime Defines a structure for storing Apple QuickTime files. quicktime No.
Real video Defines a structure for storing Real video files. real_video No.
Windows media Defines a structure for storing ".avi" files. windows_media No.


User Defines a structure for storing user accounts. user No.
User group Defines a structure for storing user groups. user_group Yes.

Balazs Halasy (22/02/2005 1:41 pm)

Balazs Halasy (06/05/2005 1:02 pm)


  • Where is flash

    I have only image and file in media classes, why?