
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Tag Cloud

Having a tag cloud on your front page can be useful for users who wish to find content regarding a specific keyword. The size of the keyword in the tag cloud depends on the amount of content that is tagged with that specific keyword. So a tag cloud might look something like this on your front page.

Clicking on a tag in the cloud will display a list of the content with that particular keyword.

To add a Tag cloud to your front page, log in to the eZ Flow front-end editing interface to edit the front page. Select a zone and choose Tag cloud in the block drop-down-list.

The following block will be added to the block list, where you are able to name the block. Next choose a source to limit the location where tags should be fetched.

Click "Send for publishing" to complete the procedure.

Andrea Melo (23/01/2013 2:55 pm)

Andrea Melo (23/01/2013 2:55 pm)


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