

ez publish / technical manual / 3.8 / installation / normal installation / installing ez publish on a...

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Installing eZ publish on a Linux/UNIX based system

The requirements for doing a normal installation must be met. Please read the previous section if you're not sure about the requirements. Proceed only if you have access to a UNIX based environment with Apache, PHP, MySQL or PostgreSQL already installed and running. (Please note that PHP 5 should not be used.) As mentioned earlier, the database server may run on a different computer than the web server. This section will guide you through the following steps:

  • Setting up a database (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  • Downloading eZ publish
  • Unpacking eZ publish
  • Initiating the setup wizard

Setting up a database

A database must be created before the initiation of the setup wizard takes place. The following text explains how to set up a database using either MySQL or PostgreSQL.


  1. Login as root:

    $ mysql -u <mysql_username> -p<mysql_password>


    The MySQL client should display a "mysql>" prompt.

  2. Create a new database:
    mysql> create database <database> character set <character_set>;
  3. Grant access permissions:
    mysql> grant all on <database>.* to <username>@<host> identified by '<password>';


The MySQL user (if no user is set up, use "root").


The password that belongs to the mysql_username.


The username that will be used to access the database.


The password you wish to set in order to limit access to the database.


The name of the database, for example "my_new_database".


The hostname of the server on which eZ publish will be running. (may be "localhost" if MySQL is installed on the same server).


The character encoding scheme to be used in the database.


  1. Become the PostgreSQL super user (normally called postgres):
    $ su <postgres_super_user>
  2. Create a PostgreSQL user:
    $ createuser <username>
  3. Create a database:
    $ createdb -E <encoding> <database>
  4. Import the "pgcrypto" module into the database:
    $ psql <database> < /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto.sql


The username that will be used to access the database.


The name of the database, for example "my_new_database".


The character encoding scheme to be used in the database.

Downloading eZ publish

The latest stable version of eZ publish can be downloaded from http://ez.no/download/ez_publish.

Unpacking eZ publish

Use your favorite tool to unpack the downloaded eZ publish distribution to a web-served directory (a directory that is reachable using a web browser). The following example shows how to do this using the tar utility (to unpack a tar.gz file, assuming that the "tar" and the "gzip" utilities are installed on the system):

$ tar zxvf ezpublish-<version_number>.tar.gz -C <web_served_directory>


The version number of eZ publish that was downloaded.


Full path to a directory that is served by the web server. This can be the path to the document root of the web server, or a personal web-directory (usually called "public_html" or "www", and located inside a user's home directory).

The extraction utility will unpack eZ publish into a subdirectory called "ezpublish-3.x.x". Feel free to rename this directory to something more meaningful, for example "my_site".

Initiating the setup wizard

The setup wizard can be started using a web browser immediately after the previous steps (described in this section) are completed. It will be automatically run the first time someone tries to access/browse the index.php file located in the eZ publish directory. Let's assume that we are using a server with the hostname "www.example.com" and that after unpacking, the eZ publish directory was renamed to "my_site".

Document root example

If eZ publish was unpacked into a directory called "my_site" under the document root, the setup wizard can be initiated by browsing the following URL: http://www.example.com/my_site/index.php.

Home directory example

If eZ publish was unpacked to a web-served directory located inside the home directory of a user with the username "peter", (usually called "public_html", "www", "http", "html" or "web"), the setup wizard can be initiated by browsing the following URL: http://www.example.com/~peter/my_site/index.php.

Please refer to "The setup wizard" section for a detailed description of the web based setup wizard.

Balazs Halasy (13/01/2005 10:25 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina (10/01/2008 12:20 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Julia Shymova


  • Setup wizard, memoy_limit issue


    I have question regarding eZ setup wizard. I am using a webhost with linux and Apache 1.3 and php 4. Now, I just finished uploading the eZ publish 3.8.4 and start the setup wizard. The "finetune" shows up, I click on it and following message (short version):

    1.PHP safe mode is enable
    2.File uploading is not possible

    I try to fix this issues, but nothing helps. I Ignore this and continiue finishing the wizard. But when I access the user_site, following occures:

    A login shows up and I have to write admin username and password.
    Also I cannot acces the admin_site, it says something like: ez publish.. fatal error..

    I'm stuck! Need help. I have tried this a couple of times and same problem occures.
    I know, to run the wizard the memory_limit has to be 64MB. I only have 16MB. Is it still possible ?

    Or is there other alternative to configure ez publish ?
    • Re: Setup wizard, memoy_limit issue

      I haven't setup ezPublish. But as I have been running MySQL since it was created
      and host 32 domains with some 200 hosts attached to each, and have read the
      ezPublish doc's. I would guess you will likely be able to overcome your problem by
      performing the Manual Install method - please note: that re-creating the search index
      and image (re)generation, as well as exporting to .PDF /may/ still cause you some
      difficulty, given your memory limitations. Anyway, if you follow the instructions for
      the Manual Install. It is likely that you can successfully complete an install. One
      other thing that /was/ /not/ mentioned, and in fact, may be causing you grief. Is
      the directory/ file perms - that is; the ownership of the files and directories of
      your installation. For most *NIX/Apache installations they would be:
      www:www or nobody:nobody Which means USER:www GROUP: www
      You'll need to find out which it is for your system. Then perform the following as
      root (on a *NIX system):

      # cd /absolute/path/to/ezPublish

      # chown -R www:www .

      The above assumes your webserver is Apache on a *NIX based system, and
      runs as user www and group www.

      Best wishes.
  • User permissions/groups (Linux)

    If you change the owner of the var directory to nobody or apache (the webserver), you may want to add account user to that group. This allows you to edit those files through SSH, without being root.