

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the website interface / setup guide / running the setup wizard

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Running the Setup Wizard

The Website Interface is installed via the regular eZ Publish Setup Wizard. This Setup Wizard documentation is located at: https://confluence.ez.no/display/EZP/The+setup+wizard.

To initiate the eZ Publish Setup Wizard, browse to the URL http://example.com/index.php, where “example.com” is the name of the web server where you installed eZ Publish.

When installing the Website Interface, note the following:

  • Welcome page: The eZ Publish Setup Wizard's Welcome page has a button labeled Finetune. This option should only be used by people with considerable experience at installing eZ Publish. Most people should click the Next button.
  • Site package: This page lists all the available site packages from http://packages.ez.no/ezpublish/. (If you cannot see any packages on this page,ensure that your machine has access to the Internet.) Locate the package  called Website Interface, enable the radio button next to it, then click Next.
  • Site details: The User path and Admin path fields refer to the “siteaccess”. A siteaccess is a collection of configuration settings that dictates the appearance and behavior of the website. For example, these settings determine which design to use and what language to display. An eZ Publish installation may contain multiple siteaccesses, one for each language, in addition to a siteaccess for the Administration Interface.
    • Change the Title of the web site to the name you want your site to display in browsers, search engine results, etc.
    • The Site url field only needs to be changed if you intend to move the site to adifferent location. (Consult the online documentation for instructions if this isthe case.)
    • The User path field contains the name of the siteaccess that is used as the default when a visitor accesses the web site. If you selected English as the default language, the default user path will be “eng” (for example, requestsfor “http://www.example.com” will be redirected to “http://www.example.com/eng”).
    • It is not necessary to specify the Admin path, because an eZ Publish site that uses the Website Interface uses a default admin path(“http://www.example.com/ezwebin_site_admin/”).
  • Site administrator: This is the default administrative user for the eZ Publish site.Creating additional accounts (including non-administrative accounts used for daily tasks) is described in the User Guide. All user accounts must have a unique email address. Therefore, do not use an email account for the admin user that you intend to use later for your “regular” user account.

Accessing your site

To access your web site, enter the URL you configured during the installation. For example, if you specified “http://example.com/” as the address of your web site, enter tha tURL in a browser to access the site.

Note that it may take longer than usual to access web pages the first time. This is because the system creates a cache for each page that you access. Once the cache is created, accessing the page in the future will be faster. To access the Administration Interface for your site, load the URL“http://www.example.com/ezwebin_site_admin/” in a browser.

Andrea Melo (08/01/2013 11:29 am)

Andrea Melo (08/01/2013 11:29 am)


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