

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the online editor / usage / the xml tag path

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

The XML tag path

The XML tag path is located directly below the OE text area. It displays useful information about the element where the cursor is currently located. The following screenshots demonstrate typical scenarios.

The XML tag path or the OE status bar displays information about the element where the cursor is currently located. The path shows a simplified name of the xml tag selected (paragraph, literal, custom, link, anchor...). And instead of having a piece of the bottom toolbar show the link and selected class, the link is now shown as tooltip if you hold your mouse over the tag name. But more interestingly is that the tag names displayed in the path are textual links and you can now click them to open the 'properties' window for the corresponding tag/element. Here you can change attributes and classes.

In the screenshot above, the cursor is placed inside the link "Folder" (current element). This word is bold and part of a text paragraph (parent element). The hierarchical structure is indicated in the XML tag path. A set of XML tags (in this example "paragraph" "strong" "link") describe the current element together with its parent elements.

As mentioned clicking on the tags will bring up a properties window. This means that in the screenshot above, if you click the "strong" tag , the properties window for the bold word "Folder” will appear. Click on the “link” tag and the properties window of the link will appear. Clicking the "paragraph” tag will bring up the properties window that allows you to change the class attribute of the entire paragraph.

If an XML tag has some value assigned to its "class" attribute, the XML tag path will display the tag name along with the name of the class as shown below:


In the screenshot above, the class name of the current paragraph is "italicRed".

When the current element is a custom tag, the XML tag path will display the tag name in the following way:


The following screenshot shows this behaviour for the "sup" custom tag ("custom.sup").

As you can see from the screenshot, a superscript character "2" in a mathematical expression is added using the "sup" custom tag. The expression is a part of a text paragraph, and the cursor is placed beside the superscript character. The XML tag path displays information about both the "sup" custom tag (current element) and the "paragraph" tag (its parent element).

In many cases, additional information can be displayed as a tooltip when the mouse pointer is hovering above a tag name in the status bar. For "link" tags, the tooltip shows the URL that the actual link points to.

The OE status bar displays tooltips for hyperlinks.

In the screenshot above the cursor is placed inside a link "eZ Publish documentation" (current element). It is located inside a paragraph (parent element). The tags "paragraph" and "link" describe the current element and its parent. The link does not have a class attribute. Hovering the mouse pointer over the "link" tag reveals the URL that the link points to: "http://doc.ez.no/eZ_Publish".

If an XML tag has some value assigned to its "class" attribute, the tooltip will indicate the class name:

class: <class_name>

The following screenshot shows the tooltip where the class name of the current paragraph is "italicRed".

The OE status bar displays class names as tooltips.

Svitlana Shatokhina (08/12/2005 9:31 am)

Ricardo Correia (11/01/2013 2:30 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Julia Shymova, Ester Heylen, Ricardo Correia


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