

ez publish / technical manual / 5.x / installation / virtual host setup

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Virtual host setup

This Documentation for all 5.x versions can be found on the following links:

  • Virtual host setup on eZ Publish 5.x
  • Virtual host setup on eZ Publish 5.1
  • Virtual host setup on eZ Publish 5.0

Please refer to the link above to access the virtual host configurations.

Geir Arne Waaler (14/09/2010 8:28 am)

Ricardo Correia (09/07/2013 11:24 am)

André R., Andrea Melo, Bertrand Dunogier, Ricardo Correia


  • Mistake in last rewrite rule

    When I tried the rewrite rules above, Apache (2.0.54) complained with "mod_rewrite: maximum number of internal redirects reached", resulting in a 500 error.

    The solution is that the last rewrite rule should read:

    RewriteRule .* index.php # no leading slash

    See http://www.sitepoint.com/print/mod_rewrite-no-endless-loops for an explanation.

    By the way, this VirtualHost setup is quite differet to those in the .htaccess_root file that shops with ez Publish 3.7.2 - would you recommend a selective merge of the two or to stick to this example?
    • RE: Mistake in last rewrite rule

      Not correct, I suspect you are talking about .htaccess.
      These pages does not cover .htaccess, but vhost settings.