
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


Debug Sets if you want to display debug information in the rendered page or in a separate popup.
DebugByIP Enables debug output for some IP addresses only. Useful when debugging live sites.
DebugIPList Sets the hosts that receive debug output.
DebugLogOnly Choose if you want debug strings in the debugoutput or in the log only.
DebugOutput Main switch for debug output
DebugRedirection Enables debugging of internal and external module redirections.
DisplayDebugWarnings Choose if debug warnings should be displayed explicitely on the top of the page or in the debug log only.
ScriptDebugOutput Enables debug output for PHP scripts run from the command line.

Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 12:55 pm)

Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 1:19 pm)


  • some other debug settings:

    # Developer toolbar with clear cache and quick settings features

    The next 2 where added in 3.9:
    # Whether debug is set per UserID. If set to enabled only users with
    # IDs (in DebugUserIDList) can get debug.
    # Use either enabled or disabled

    # An array with UserIDs which will get debug information
    # Example:

    Also take a look in [TemplateSettings] for how you can debug templates and witch templates are used.