

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the website interface / customization guide / templates informations in w...

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Templates informations in Web Debug Toolbar

The Web Debug Toolbar provides informations about Templates.
The available informations are the number of rendered templates, and the list of files, ordered with rendering duration.

Web Debug Toolbar

When the Web Debug Toolbar is popped, you can read the number of templates used, dispatched between :

  • Twig templates
  • legacy templates

Count of rendered templates in the Web Debug Toolbar

Then you can get the detail for both category of templates.

Profiler for Twig templates

The profiler, for eZ Publish twig templates, displays a list of loaded templates. The columns of the table are :

  • order
  • template name
  • template time : the returned time includes the time spent in child templates

Profiler for legacy templates

The profiler, for legacy templates, displays a list of loaded templates. The columns are :

  • order
  • the requested template name
  • the override template name : used for rendering, according to the configuration
  • the template path

Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski (17/03/2014 8:29 am)

Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski (17/03/2014 11:18 am)


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