

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the website interface / customization guide / design extension structure

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Design Extension Structure

Design Extension Structure

The design for sites using the Website Interface is stored under the “extension” directoryin the eZ Publish installation. It is structured as follows:

Design Extension Structure

The Default Site Style Package

The Website Interface package includes a default site style package. This is a “dummy”  package - it does not contain a CSS design. The actual default CSS is located in the ezwebin extension, and  is used as a fall-back if you install a new site style package that does not contain styling for all elements. The dummy package contains only empty CSS files, so no styling is ever overridden. You are  therefore actually using the default design from the extension.

Because the default design is not implemented in a site style package, you would not be able to revert to the original design after installing a new site style package (except by deleting the new site style package). The “dummy” package allows you to revert to the default design.

Andrea Melo (04/01/2013 11:45 am)

Andrea Melo (04/01/2013 11:45 am)


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