

ez publish / technical manual / 5.x / features / front end demo design

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

  • Front End Demo Design

    With the new front end Demo Design (which is optionally selected during installation) the user is presented with a modern and responsive web page which can be viewed on mobile, tablets and computers screens.

    The page will be automatically shaped according to the device in which it is being shown.

    If the user is using a computer screen, they will be able to see a full screen view:

    Full Screen View of Demo Design

    Full Screen View of Demo Design

    If the user is using a tablet, or a smaller computer, they will be able to see a little narrower (adapted to the tablet) screen view:

    Tablet Screen View of Demo Design

    Tablet Screen View of Demo Design


    And if the user is on a mobile device, they will be able to see narrower (adapted to the mobile device) screen view:

    Mobile Screen View of Demo Design

    Mobile Screen View of Demo Design

    Andrea Melo (11/04/2012 3:22 pm)

    Andrea Melo (20/11/2012 2:03 pm)


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