

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the online editor / usage / embedded objects

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Embedded objects

To embed objects in your content, use the "Insert/Edit object" button in the OE toolbar.

Then in the dialog box, you will have some choices regarding the embed status of your object.

The Views

You will find the View dropdown menu : you can choose which view will be used to render the object.
Default views are named : embed, embed-inline, full, line

OE embed object dialog

Note : The choice of a view will create an eZ Publish XML attribute to store your view setting. You can see the eZ Publish XML with the Disable Editor button.

The Inline option

When you check the Inline option, the eZ Publish XML tag will reflect this choice : the <embed-inline> tag will be used to store the inserted object.

OE embed object dialog : checkbok

Note : The view is directly switched to the embed-inline named view, more appropriate to render an inline object.

Note: Inline elements shouldn't be aligned, yet eZ Publish will allow to make it possible to tweak the output (something requested by the community).
Unless you specifically want to use the alignment in that way, please ignore the option.

Alignment of embedded objects

When choosing the rendering view, the rendering of the embedded object will be changed.
Note : the views are highly customizable and this documentation covers only the default views.

Examples of different views rendering :

FAQ object embedded with embed default view

Document FAQ

FAQ object embedded with line default view

Alignment to the right / left

You have to keep a block element to align your object in the page. You can do it with the embed and full views. And you choose in the dropdown menu of the Dialog Bow the alignment you want to have.

Example of alignment to the right
Example of alignment to the left

Embed the object in the flow of the text

If you want to have your object in the flow of your paragraph, choose the Inline option with the checkbox. The preview shows you how the object will be rendered by the view.

Check the inline option to insert your object in the paragraph

Note: the selected view switches to embed-inline automatically when you check the Inline option.

Examples of object  with inline views

Disclaimer : our views are not customized and have the same rendering.

Example of object embedded with embed view and Inline checkbox

Under the hood : technical considerations

The embedded objects are stored in ez XmlTags. See the Technical Documentation Reference about XmlBlocks for further information.

Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski (10/06/2014 12:55 pm)

Sarah Haïm-Lubczanski (24/07/2014 11:57 am)


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