

ez publish / user manual / 5.x / the online editor / settings / configuration settings ezoe...

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Configuration settings ezoe_attributes.ini

The file ezoe_attributes.ini contains the eZ publish configuration settings for the eZ Online Editor. These define how custom attributes, as defined in content.ini*, and normal attributes should be presented to users and behave. Examples of relates content.ini settings are given per block.

The file is by default located here:


ezoe_attributes.ini contains the following settings in th block [CustomAttribute_<tag>_<attribute>]

These settings can be used globally on all tags (incl custom tags), but also specifically on one tag.

 Configuration Group: [CustomAttribute_<tag>_<attribute>] [   CustomAttribute_<attribute>]

It is possible to define global custom attribute settings with [CustomAttribute_<attribute>] (replace <attribute> with the attributes name). However this block will only be used when no tag specific settings are defined for the attribute. These tag specific settings will be placed in a block named according to the following syntax:


This block will then contain <attribute> settings specifically for the <tag> (See [CustomAttribute_factbox_align] example bellow). Therefore, the settings defined in [CustomAttribute_<attribute>] will not be used for this specific <tag>.

Keep in mind that it is content.ini that defines which custom attributes exist per tag. This ezoe_attributes.ini file only defines the appearance and behavior of these attributes in eZ Online Editor tag dialogue GUI's.

This means that when defining the CustomAttribute settings block for an <attribute> and optionally for a <tag> (the tag is defined by the block, for instance factbox or embed), the corresponding [<tag>] CustomAttributes[] setting in content.ini will also need to be set correctly.

An example will explain it best:
 When setting the block [CustomAttribute_factbox_align] in ezoe_attributes.ini, the [factbox] block in content.ini must also be set in accordance. In this content.ini block the setting CustomAttributes lists the custom attributes to use for the current tag. The CustomAttributesDefaults setting defines the custom attributes default values which appear in the dialog window for a newly created element. So when defining [CustomAttribute_factbox_align] in ezoe_attributes.ini, your content.ini might look something like this:


 The settings explained here are valid for both the global custom attribute blocks ([CustomAttribute_<attribute>]) as well as tag specific custom attribute blocks ([CustomAttribute_<tag>_<attribute>]).

Below all examples will reflect values from align tag or summary tag as provided by default in this ini file.
 Keep in mind that some attributes have special meaning to eZ Publish, therefore you should not change their selection using this override. Examples of such attributes are class attributes and custom tag name attributes.
 For more information on custom tags  please visit the eZ documentation here http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/4_x/reference/datatypes/xml_block/custom_tags and here http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/4_x/reference/xml_tag.

Setting: Name


This is an optional setting which lets you specify the label name on the HTML control.

Name=<label name>

This is an optional setting which lets you specify the label name on the HTML control. If not set, then the attribute name will be used with the first letter in upper case, hence this setting is useful to create a more user friendly name instead of showing internal names.

This setting is case sensitive.

  •  Example 1
  •  Example 2

Settings in content.ini:


Settings in ezoe_attributes.ini:

Name=Summary (WAI)

Users will be forced to fill out the table summary for WAI conformance.

  Setting: Default


This is an optional setting which lets you specify the default value on the HTML control.

Default=<html control value>

This is an optional setting which lets you specify the default value on the HTML control. If this setting is not set it will fall back on the CustomAttributesDefaults[] from content.ini. Possible values can be anything, but it should be within the constraints of the "Type" (see below). For example if "Type=select" is set, then you can use one of the possible selection options. If "Type=int" is set then make sure the default is an integer.

This setting is case sensitive.


For the attribute align, the type is set to select. The user will be able to select right, left or center. The default value will be right.

  Setting: Title


This is an optional setting which lets you set the HTML title on the input element.


This is an optional setting which lets you set the HTML title on the input element.

This setting is case sensitive.

Title=Align lets you specify if this  tag should be aligned to left / right / center defining the flow of you  page

For the attribute align, this text will be shown as header of the input field.

  Setting: Type


This is an optional setting which lets you specify what HTML form input element or type to use.

Type=<html form input element>

This is an optional setting which lets you specify what HTML form input element or type to use. The following types are valid:

  •  text: This will allow users to enter text. This the default type and it supports validation.
  •  int: This will allow users to enter an integer. It is optional to set a minimum and maximum number value when using this type, by defining the settings Maximum and Minimum in the same [block]. This type supports validation.
  •  number: This will allow users to enter a number. It is optional to set a minimum and maximum number value when using this type, by defining the settings Maximum and Minimum in the same [block]. This type supports validation.
  •  email: This will allow users to enter an email. This type supports validation.
  •  select: This enables a drop down list with selectable values from which the user can select the correct value. Keep in mind that if this type is used the setting Selection in the same block will need to be defined.
  •  hidden: This will hide the control.
  • color: This will allow users to use a color picker and preview the color. When using this type rewrite rules are requires to allow both html and htm files from design folders. This is also explained on the  Online Editor Requirements page.
     .htaccess needs the following change:

    RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf$  index.php

    Needs to be changed to:

    RewriteRule  !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html?)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf$ index.php
  •  htmlsize: This type is similar to int, but it will allow users to use a drop down list for size, type, pixel or percentile (%).
  •  csssize: This type is similar to int, but it will allow users to use a drop down list for size type. You can define the types (px/%..) with setting CssSizeType (see bellow), by default it contains px and %.
  •  csssize4: This type is similar to csssize, but is stores all 4 sides in one (sides being top, right, bottom and left) and it can be used for both margin and padding. With a drop down list for top, right, bottom and left users are able to define the margins or padding for all sides independantly.
     So where users can for example set csssize to "padding: 2px", which means 2 pixels of padding will be added around the whole element. With csssize4 users can use the 4 different sides input fields and set "padding: 4px 2px 0 5px" (top, right, bottom, left). Keep in mind that if this type is used the setting CssSizeType in the same block will need to be defined.
  •  cssborder: This type is similar to csssize but it will allow users to select border type and color as well.
  •  checkbox: This type will allow users to make their selection by using a checkbox.
  •  link: This type will allow users to type URL's and search or browse for internal URL's. This type is used by default by the link dialog on href parameter. The link type can optionally be customized with LinkType setting (see bellow). Note: There can only be one attribute of this type currently because of limitations in ezoe, this is a known issue.

This setting is case sensitive.


The user will be able to select the proper value from a drop down list.

  Setting: Disabled


This is an optional setting which lets you disable the HTML control so users are not able to change the value.

Disabled=<b>true </b>| false

This is an optional setting which lets you disable the HTML control so users are not able to change the value. Possible values are true (users will not be able to change the value) and false (users will be able to change the value).

This setting is case sensitive.


  Setting: Required


This is an optional setting which allows you to forces users to fill out the HTML form element.

Required=<b>true </b>| false

This is an optional setting which allows you to forces users to fill out the HTML form element. Possible values are true (input is required) of false (input is not required). Keep in mind that this setting will be checked first by the system, therefore it supersedes the setting AllowEmpty.

This setting is case sensitive.

  •   Example 1

The system will first check if input is required and then which type of input is permitted. So in the above example the user is required to enter an integer.

  •   Example 2

The system will first check if input is required, then if the input field is allowed to be left empty and next which type of input is permitted. Since the Required setting is checked first, it supersedes the AllowEmpty setting, therefore, eventhough ALllowEmpty is set to true in the above example, the user is still required to enter an integer.

  •   Example 3

These settings apply to the Table tag with summary attribute. The system will first check if input is required, then if the input field is allowed to be left empty and next which type of input is permitted. Since the Required setting is checked first, it supersedes the AllowEmpty setting, therefore, eventhough ALllowEmpty is set to true in the above example, the user is still required to enter an email address.

  Setting: AllowEmpty


This setting allows the input to be left empty,

AllowEmpty=true | false

This is an optional setting which is the opposite of the Required setting. It allows the users to leave the input field empty, even if a type is specified.
 Possible values are true (which will allow the field to be left empty) of false (which will not allow the field to be left empty).
 Keep in mind that this setting will be checked after the Required setting, therefore Required supersedes AllowEmpty.

This setting is case sensitive.

  •   Example 1

The system will first check if input is allowed to be left empty and then which type of input is permitted. So in the above example the user can either enter an integer or nothing.

  •   Example 2

The system will first check if input is required, then if the input field is allowed to be left empty and next which type of input is permitted. Since the Required setting is checked first, it supersedes the AllowEmpty setting, therefore, eventhough ALllowEmpty is set to true in the above example, the user is still required to enter an integer.

  Setting: Minimum


This setting sets the minimum number value.


When the type is set to integer or number, with the setting Type in the same block, this setting can be used for validation. It sets the minimum number value which can be entered.

  •   Example  1

The system will not accept user entries below 1.

  •   Example 2

The system will first check if input is required and then which type of input is permitted. So in the above example the user is required to enter an integer. But a minimum and maximum value has also been defined, which implies that the user must enter either 1 or 2, since those are the only integer numbers in the minimum and maximum range.

  Setting: Maximum


It sets the maximum number value.


When setting type to integer or number with the setting Type in the same [block], this setting can be used for validation. It sets the maximum number value which can be entered.

  •   Example  1

The system will not accept user entries above 99.

  •   Example 2

The system will first check if input is required and then which type of input is permitted. So in the above example the user is required to enter a number. But a minimum and maximum value has also been defined. So the user can for example enter 1.7 but not 2.1, because only numbers between 1 and 2 are permitted.

  Setting: Selection


This setting defines selection types.

Selection[<selection  type>]=<name>

This setting is required if the setting Type in the same block is set to select. It sets the selection types.
 The values depend on the attribute defined in the block.

This setting is case sensitive.


The settings mentioned here are valid for the attribute align, therefore possible values are left, right and center.

  Setting: CssSizeType


This setting sets the size types for csssize and csssize4.

CssSizeType[<size type>]=<name>

This setting is required if the setting Type in the same block is set to csssize or csssize4. It sets the size types for csssize and csssize4.

possible values are:

  •  px (pixel)
  •  em (em: typography unit measurement)
  •  pt (point)
  •  % (percentile)

This setting is case sensitive.


  Setting: LinkType


This sets the link type.


LinkType[<schema>]=<link type>


This setting is required if the setting Type in the same block is set to link. It sets the link type.

This setting is case sensitive.

LinkType[eznode://]=Internal  link
LinkType[http://]=External link

In the above example the schema "eznode://" is mapped to the link type "Internal link". External links are mapped to "http://".

Ester Heylen (12/07/2010 4:54 pm)

Ricardo Correia (26/08/2013 4:04 pm)

Ester Heylen, Ricardo Correia


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