
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



classlist Provides an interface for generating a class overview for a class group.
copy Provides an interface for copying a role.
down Provides an interface for moving an attribute to a lower position.
edit Provides an interface for editing a class.
groupedit Provides an interface for editing a class group.
grouplist Provides an interface for generating an overview of the class groups.
removeclass Provides an interface to the class removal mechanism.
removegroup Provides an interface to the class group removal mechanism.
up Provides an interface for moving an attribute to a higher position.
view Provides an interface for viewing a class.


action Not documented yet.
group Not documented yet.
item Not documented yet.
view Not documented yet.


action Provides an interface to different actions (AddToBasket, SwapNode, etc.).
advancedsearch Provides the advanced search interface.
bookmark Provides an interface for managing the current user's bookmarks.
browse Provides an interface for selecting node(s) by browsing the node tree.
collectedinfo Provides an interface for displaying the information that was collected.
collectinformation Provides an interface for collecting information.
copy Provides an interface for copying a single node.
copysubtree Provides an interface for copying an entire subtree of nodes.
diff Provides an interface for comparing two different versions of an object (DEPRECATED).
download Provides an interface for downloading files stored by the "File" datatype.
draft Provides an interface for managing the current user's drafts.
edit Provides an interface for editing and translating the contents of objects.
hide Provides an interface for hiding and revealing nodes.
history Provides an interface for managing the versions of an object and comparing two different versions of an object.
keyword Loads a template that can fetch objects which use keyword.
move Provides an interface for changing the location of a node.
new Loads a template that can be used to display new content since last visit.
pdf Provides on-the-fly PDF generation of a node.
pendinglist Provides an overview of the current user's pending items.
removeassignment Provides an interface for removing node assignments.
removeeditversion Provides an interface for draft removal.
removenode Provides an interface for removing nodes.
removeobject Provides an interface for removing objects.
restore Provides an interface for restoring objects from the trash.
search Provides the standard search interface.
tipafriend Provides an interface to the "tip a friend" feature.
translate Provides an interface for the translation of a node (DEPRECATED).
translations Provides an interface for managing content translations.
trash Provides an interface for managing the trash.
upload Provides an interface for uploading a file which will become a node.
urltranslator Provides an interface for managing virtual URLs.
versions Provides an interface for managing the versions of an object (DEPRECATED).
versionview Provides an interface for viewing a version of an object.
view Provides an interface for viewing a node.


about Provides information about the system (version number, etc.).
copyright Provides copyright information related to eZ publish.
is_alive Provides information about the database connection.


process Provides an interface for creating an E-mail based on form data.


collectionlist Provides an interface for viewing and removing the collections of an object.
overview Provides an interface for viewing objects that have collected information.
view Provides an interface for viewing and deleting a specific collection.


set Forces the system to use an alternate pagelayout.


addtonotification Provides a mechanism that adds a new subtree notification.
runfilter Provides an interface for launching the main notification processing script and for generating a new time event.
settings Provides an interface for tweaking user notification settings.


create Not documented yet.
export Not documented yet.
install Not documented yet.
list Not documented yet.
uninstall Not documented yet.
upload Not documented yet.
view Not documented yet.


edit Provides an interface for editing PDF exports.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of the PDF exports.


assign Provides an interface for assigning roles to users and user groups.
copy Provides an interface for copying roles.
edit Provides an interface for editing roles.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of all available roles.
policyedit Provides an interface for editing policies.
view Provides an interface for viewing a role.


edit_export Provides an interface for editing an RSS export.
edit_import Provides an interface for editing an RSS import.
feed Not documented yet.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of RSS imports and exports.


stats Provides an interface for viewing and resetting the search statistics.


assign Provides an interface for assigning objects to a section.
edit Provides an interface for editing a section.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of all the available sections.
view Provides an interface for viewing a section.


basket Provides an interface to the shopping basket of the current user.
checkout Provides the checkout interface.
confirmorder Provides the interface that asks the user to confirm an order.
currencylist Provides an interface for viewing currencies and makes it possible to edit some of the currency's attributes for several currencies at the same time. Allows to update auto rates for all currencies.
customerlist Provides an interface for generating an overview of the customers.
customerorderview Provides an interface for viewing information the orders of a customer.
discountgroup Provides an interface for generating an overview of the discount groups.
discountgroupedit Provides an interface for editing a discount group.
discountgroupview Provides an interface for viewing a discount group.
discountruleedit Provides an interface for editing a discount rule.
editcurrency Provides an interface for editing a currency.
editvatrule Provides an interface for editing a VAT charging rule.
orderlist Provides an interface for generating an overview of orders.
orderview Provides an interface for viewing an order.
preferredcurrency Provides an interface for setting the user's preferred currency.
productcategories Provides an interface for viewing and managing product categories.
productsoverview Provides an interface for generating an overview of products and allows sorting by product's name or price.
register Provides an interface for registering a customer.
removeorder Provides an interface for removing an order.
statistics Provides an interface for generating sales statistics.
userregister Provides an interface for registering a user.
vatrules Provides an interface for generating an overview of the VAT charging rules.
vattype Provides an interface for managing VATs.
wishlist Provides an interface for viewing and managing the current user's wishlist.


list Provides an interface for viewing and managing the workflow triggers.


edit Provides an interface for editing a URL.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of all URLs.
views Provides an interface for viewing an URL.


activate Provides an interface for activating a user account.
forgotpassword Provides an interface for situations where a user forgets his/her password.
login Provides an interface for logging in a user.
logout Provides a mechanism that logs out a user.
password Provides an interface for changing the password for the current user.
preferences Provides an interface for managing the preferences of the current user.
register Provides an interface for registering a new user.
setting Provides an interface for tweaking user account settings.
success Provides an interface that is called upon a successful user registration.


down Provides an interface for moving an event to a lower position.
edit Provides an interface for editing a workflow.
event Not documented yet.
groupedit Provides an interface for editing a workflow group.
grouplist Provides an interface for generating a list of all available workflow groups.
process Not documented yet.
run Not documented yet.
up Provides an interface for moving an event to a higher position.
view Provides an interface for viewing a workflow.
workflowlist Provides an interface for generating a list of workflows that belong to a group.

Balazs Halasy (29/04/2005 2:35 pm)

Balazs Halasy (29/04/2005 2:35 pm)


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