

ez publish / technical manual / 3.9 / reference / template control structures

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Template control structures

Conditional control

if Allows conditional control by the way of an IF-THEN-ELSE mechanism.
switch Allows conditional control of code execution.


do Creates a do...while loop.
for Creates a generic for loop.
foreach Iterates over arrays in different ways.
while Creates a while loop.


section Deprecated looping, branching, etc.

Balazs Halasy (22/02/2005 12:59 pm)

Balazs Halasy (07/07/2005 11:44 am)


  • Section?

    Where's the {section} command?

    This is one of the most-used template control structures. Why isn't it here?
    • Re: Section?


      The {section...}-style syntax has been deprecated. It belongs to the old template syntax, which will not be documented here. The new control structures (outlined above) replace the old ones. If you're looking for the documentation of {section...}; please refer to the old documentation.

    • Re: Section?


      because in 3.6 they decided to do away with old template syntax in favor of a newer one which is more unified with common programming languages.

      3.6 is back-compatible though, so you'll be able to use the syntax you're used to, and run your old code under it (shipped templates with 3.6 ARE using the old syntax, yet). but for new development tasks, I think you'll be better offusing the newer syntax.
      • Re: Re: Section?

        And this is good. I have never understood the creation of {section}. It was so absurde. {section loop=$likeAnArrayofArray}{section loop=$:item}{$:item}{/section}{/section} and you got some crazy things.

        {for}{foreach} are so cross-languages that they have to be here.
  • substitute for {section loop=..

    you are saying here that the {section -construct should be avoided in the future. since i'm relativly new to ez-publish i'd like to get used to the the 'right' ways of template programming right from the beginning. but i cannot find a way to loop over results from a fetch differently than the old {section loop=... way.

    i tried it with {while and {for statments with no success..

    what is best practice for looping over results using the new control structures?
    • Re: substitute for {section loop=..

      Hi Patrick,

      You should try the {foreach} statement.
      It works nearly the same way as the section loop.

      If you want to add conditions, then add a {if} statement.
  • An example of using a foreach loop instead of the deprecated section?

    Hi. Could someone provide an example of how to use a foreach loop instead of the deprecated section loop. Let's say I have the following code and want to use a foreach loop instead of a section:
    <div class="listItem">
    {default node_name=$node.name node_url=$node.url_alias}
    {foreach (
    {section show=$node_url}<a href={$node_url|ezurl}>{/section}{$node_name|wash}{section show=$node_url}</a>{/section}{/default}

  • Refer to "logical operators"

    Documentation for each of the control statements should refer to this list of "logical operators" that can be used in <condition> clauses:
