
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



ExtensionDirectories Sets the directories where eZ Publish will look for action extensions.


EnableClassGroupOverride Sets whether it should be possible to override templates based on the "class_group" condition.


AvailableDatatypes Sets the datatypes available to eZ Publish.
ExtensionDirectories Sets the extensions that contains datatypes.
RepositoryDirectories Sets the directories where eZ Publish should look for datatypes.


HideDateAttributeList Sets which date/time attributes the hide cronjob should use.
RootNodeList Sets which subtrees that will be affected by the "hide.php" cronjob.


AvailableClasses Sets the available classes for XML tags of the "name_of_XML_tag" type.
CustomAttributes Sets which custom attributes that can be used within XML tags of this particular type.


ClassSpecificAssignment Sets the rules for automatic location assignment when uploading related objects.
DefaultAssignment Sets where the newly created related objects should be placed in the node tree.


DefaultRemoveAction Sets the default remove action for objects (move to trash or delete).
HideRemoveConfirmation Sets whether the removal confirmation dialog should be shown or not.
MaxNodesRemoveSubtree Sets the maximum number of nodes that subtrees subject to removal can contain.
ShowRemoveToTrashCheck Sets whether the "Move to trash" checkbox is displayed or not.


ClassList Sets the content classes that use the "Date and time" datatype (used by the "unpublish.php" cronjob).
RootNodeList Controls which subtrees that will be affected by the "unpublish.php" cronjob.


DefaultVersionHistoryLimit Sets the number of concurrent versions that can exist of an object.
DeleteDrafts Sets if drafts should be discarded if there is no room to create a new draft.
DraftsCleanUpLimit Sets the maximum number of drafts to remove at one call of the "old_drafts_cleanup.php" cronjob script.
DraftsDuration Sets how long a draft can exist in the system before it is considered old and can be removed.
InternalDraftsCleanUpLimit Sets the maximum number of internal drafts to remove at one call of the "internal_drafts_cleanup.php" cronjob script.
InternalDraftsDuration Sets how long an internal draft can exist in the system before it is considered old and can be removed.
VersionHistoryClass Sets the number of concurrent versions that can exist of an object per class.


AllowChangeButtons This setting is not used anymore.
AllowVersionsButton This setting is not used anymore.
AvailableSiteDesignList DEPRECATED (Sets the sitedesigns that are used by the complete site.)
DefaultPreviewDesign Sets the default preview design for eZ Publish releases prior to 3.6.

Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 12:08 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina (17/11/2006 4:35 pm)

Frederik Holljen, Svitlana Shatokhina


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