
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Outputs the view template for a content object attribute.


{attribute_view_gui attribute=attribute [ parameter=value [...] ]}


attribute object The target content object attribute. Yes.
parameters any Parameter(s) that will be passed to the included template. No.


This function shows the view interface for a content object attribute. The attribute must be specified (as a "ezcontentobjectattribute" object) using the "attribute" parameter. All other parameters (of any type) will be passed on and thus become available as template variables in the included template.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 1:14 pm)

Balazs Halasy (28/04/2005 2:12 pm)


  • Exemple


    It would be usefull to have an exemple on how to use parameter with attribute_view_gui function.

    • Re: Exemple

      In your calling template you do something like:

      {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.file link_text='Download'}

      Then in your attribute template you can access this variable by doing something like:

  • Images

    If you are displaying the image datatype (not objectrelation as the normal article class contains) you have the possiblility to set the size with image_class. Like this:

    {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.myimage image_class='large'}

    Where the sizes are defined in image.ini.
  • attribute_view_gui

    we know ,if we use this function .the system will insert a tag-<p> automatically! but i do not need this tag! but i want to display a object of XML.and i do not need <p>.so what i should do!?
    • Re: attribute_view_gui

      i guess you mean is :you use "attribute_view_gui" to display a XML,but template in ez can insert a <p> tag automatically.but you do not need a <p>. that is a question ,let me have a think
      • Re: Re: attribute_view_gui

        The system does not automatically insert a <p> tag.
        The tag is part of the attribute-level template.
        To produce xml you have to:
        - create different, xml templates, for the attribute types you need. You can set them for use eg. in a new view, called xml
        - call attribute_view_gui adding the 'view' parameter:
        {attribute_view_gui view = xml attribute = $item}

        see also the ggxmlview extension on projects.ez.no