
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Allows conditional control by the way of an IF-THEN-ELSE mechanism.


{if <condition>}
[ {elseif <condition>} ]
[ {else} ]


This construct allows for conditional execution of code fragments. It is one of the most important features of many programming languages. The eZ Publish implementation makes it possible to do conditional branching by the way of the following elements: IF, ELSE and ELSEIF. The ELSE and ELSEIF elements are optional.


Example 1

{if eq( $var, 128 )}
    Hello world <br />

If $var equals 128, the following output will be produced: "Hello world". If it does not equal 128, no output will be produced.

Example 2

{if eq( $var, 128 )}
    Hello world <br />
    No world here, move along. <br />

If $var equals 128, the following output will be produced: "Hello world". If it does not equal 128, the output will be "No world here, move along.".

Example 3

{if eq( $fruit, 'apples' )}
    Apple tree <br />
{elseif eq( $fruit, 'oranges' )}
    Orange juice <br />
    Banana split <br />

If $fruit equals "apples", the output will be "Apple tree", if it equals "oranges" then the output will be "Orange juice" - otherwise the output will be "Banana split".

Balazs Halasy (22/02/2005 1:09 pm)

Balazs Halasy (28/04/2005 8:29 am)


  • multiple conditions ?

    wouldn't it be the right place to show how to have multiple conditions ?
    it comes very naturaly when using if!

    {if and( <condition1>, <condition2>, ... )}
    The truth is out there.
    The day the earth stood still.