
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Fetches a node (identified by either an ID number or a path).


fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( [ 'node_id',     node_id,  ]
                                [ 'node_path',   node_path, ]
                                [ 'language_code',  language_code,  ]
                                [ 'remote_id',    remote_id  ] ) )


node_id integer The ID number of the node that should be fetched. No.
node_path string The path of the node that should be fetched. No.
language_code string A new parameter since eZ Publish 4.1. This enables you to fetch a node in a given language. No.
remote_id string A new parameter since eZ Publish 4.1. This enables you to fetch a node by its remote ID number. No.


An ezcontentobjecttreenode object of FALSE.


This function fetches a single node and returns it as a ezcontentobjecttreenode. The target node must be specified using either the "node_id" or the "node_path" parameter. If no node can be found, or if an error occurs, the function will return FALSE.


Example 1

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', 96 ) )}

Fetches node number 96 and outputs the name of the object that is encapsulated by that node.

Example 2

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_path', 'news/article_test' ) )}

Fetches the node by the specified path and outputs the name of the object that is encapsulated by that node.

Example 3

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_path', 'news/article_test' ) )}
Views: {$my_node.view_count}

Fetches the node by the specified path and outputs the number of times this node has been viewed. (The "updateviewcount.php" cronjob must be run periodically.)

Example 4

fetch('content', 'node', hash('node_id', 66, 'language_code', 'pol-PL'))

This parameter is especially useful when you need to grab content or a URL in a different language than the one users are viewing a siteaccess in.

Example 5

fetch('content', 'node', hash('remote_id', '1b26c0454b09bb49dfb1b9190ffd67cb' ))

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 12:08 pm)

Ester Heylen (18/11/2009 5:10 pm)

Balazs Halasy, Svitlana Shatokhina, Ester Heylen


  • fetching the right language


    Default language code is english ;
    My language code is "fre-FR" (only for my siteaccess front-office) ;
    I'm in the pagelayout.tpl, for the french siteaccess ;

    I fetches the current node (instead of $node that is not defined in the pagelayout) to $currentNode ;

    Now, if I write : $currentNode.object|attribute, I retrieves the fre-FR version,
    BUT if I write $currentNode.object.data_map|attribute, I retrieves the english version...

    Finally, I can't have the french version of an attribute !

    Is it a bug (ez 3.8) ?
  • Fetching several nodes

    It is possible to fetch several nodes by using an array(node_id_1, node_id_2, node_id_n) instead of an integer.
  • New optional parameter "language_code"

    New in 4.1 but not yet documented:

    {def $node_fr = fetch( 'content', 'node',
    hash( 'node_id', 96,
    'language_code', 'fre-FR'))}
    • Re: New optional parameter "language_code"

      I have one trouble with new fetch.
      Current locale is french, trying to fetch it with:
      {def $node_fr = fetch( 'content', 'node',
      hash( 'node_id', 96,
      'language_code', 'eng-US'))}

      Content i've got in english, but url_alias of the $node_fr is in french ... How can i get url_alias in english ?
