

ez publish / technical manual / 4.x / reference / modules / content / fetch functions / collected_info_count

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Fetches the number of collections that match a certain criteria.


fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count',
     hash( [ 'object_attribute_id', object_attribute_id, ]
           [ 'value',               value,               ]
           [ 'object_id',           object_id,           ]
           [ 'creator_id',          creator_id, ]
           [ 'user_identifier',     user_identifier ] ) )


object_attribute_id integer The ID number of the target object attribute. No.
object_id integer The ID number of the target content object. No.
value integer Value filtering on the attribute level. No.
creator_id integer The creator of the information. Only used when object_id is used No.
user_identifier string The user identification string generated by eZ Publish when the information was collected. Only used when object_id is used No.


The number of collections (as an integer).


This function counts the number of collections based on the provided parameters. An object's ID number (using the "object_id" parameter) or an object attribute's ID number (using the "object_attribute_id" parameter) must be specified. In addition, it is possible to filter out collections that match a certain value. This is typically useful when it comes to counting the number of times a specific value was submitted to a poll. If the "value" parameter is used then the "object_attribute_id" parameter must also be provided. The function returns a positive integer if the system is able to find collections matching the given parameters; if not, zero will be returned.

Note: 'value' is only valid with 'object_attribute_id'; 'creator_id', 'user_identifier' are only valid with 'object_id'. If 'object_attribute_id' and 'object_id' are provided, only 'object_attribute_id' will be used.


Example 1

{def $collections=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count',
                          hash( 'object_attribute_id', 42,
                                  'value',                1 ) )}

Outputs the number of collected information for object with attribute id #42 and value 1.

Example 2

{def $collections=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count',
                          hash( 'object_id', 42,
                                'creator_id',20 ) )}

Outputs the number of collected information for object with id #42 and information creator id #20.

Example 3

def $collections=fetch( 'content', 'collected_info_count',
                          hash( 'object_id', 42,
                                'user_identifier', '66v8qb7jp7ih9c8d3pmjl25fe3' ) )}

Outputs the number of collected information for object with id #42 and information user's identifier '66v8qb7jp7ih9c8d3pmjl25fe3'.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 12:05 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler (30/08/2010 7:34 am)

Balazs Halasy, Geir Arne Waaler
