Object relation
Stores a relation to a content object.Properties
Name | Internal name | Searchable | Information collector |
Object relation | ezobjectrelation | Yes. | No. |
This datatype allows the relation of a single object. The following screenshot shows the class attribute edit interface for this datatype.
Please note that this datatype takes care of a single object relation only, and doesn't consider any particular existing permissions or visibility states. If you intend to filter relations considering existing roles and permissions we recommend the use of fetch functions within view templates. This way permissions and visibility will be considered.
Class attribute edit interface for the "Object relation" datatype.
Object attribute edit interface
The following screenshot shows the object attribute edit interface for this datatype.
Object attribute edit interface for the "Object relation" datatype.
Raw output
The ".content" of an ezcontentobjectattribute object using this datatype returns either FALSE (if there is no relation) or an ezcontentobject object.
Balazs Halasy (21/02/2005 2:40 pm)
Ricardo Correia (14/05/2013 10:11 am)
What are the "Default Selection Item" and "Allow Fuzzy Match" attributes for?
Friday 09 September 2005 4:41:39 am
Nathan Kelly
I have tried using the "Default Selection Item" in the hope it would allow me to browse directly to the "Images" folder within the "Media" folder when inserting images into articles for example, but it didn't seem to work.
Have I misunderstood the purpose of this attribute?
Also could you explain what the "Allow Fuzzy Match" checkbox is for? What is "Fuzzy Matching"?
It seems that some of the "New" documentation assumes the reader already knows almost everything about EzPublish, but for those of us who are new to EzP (or the concept of CMS) the under exemplified descriptions on some pages equate to quite a lot of time wasting searching for the answers elsewhere.
I'm not asking for a bible and I'm not having a dig at all of the hard work that has gone into this documentation, I just think some more enlightened examples and descriptions would make EzP far more user friendly. On that note I think for the best part you are doing a great job on the Docs.
INI-based limitations with browse selection method
Wednesday 18 January 2006 9:11:10 am
Kristof Coomans
Where 240 is the class attribute id and AddRelatedImageToDataType is the browse type (this type can be configured in browse.ini).
If for a specific class attribute no browse type has been specified, AddRelatedObjectToDataType is used.
The Object relation list datatype uses the same settings, but the default browse type is AddRelatedObjectListToDataType.
Re: INI-based limitations with browse selection method
Sunday 12 March 2006 10:53:27 am
Kristof Coomans
Example code to fill an attribute of this datatype with PHP
Wednesday 21 June 2006 6:25:26 pm
Kristof Coomans
Exemple of raw output of an object relation attribute to an image
Monday 16 October 2006 4:52:27 pm
Re: Exemple of raw output of an object relation attribute to an image
Monday 04 December 2006 2:08:39 pm
Re: Re: Exemple of raw output of an object relation attribute to an image
Friday 19 January 2007 2:00:56 pm
André R.