
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets from which extensions the additional transformation files should be used, for this group.



Extensions[]=<name extension>


This setting defines extensions that contain transformation files, which should be used for this group. Therefore this setting enables you to set additional rules of character transformation and matching them to the corresponding groups by using extensions. Transformation files located in extensions can also be used to override transformation rules that are used by default. If any extensions are specified to the current group, the system will search for the transformation files in the "transformation" directory of extension.

Note, that if the rules from the default transformation files match the rules from the extension transformation files for the current group, the first ones will be overridden by the last.




With this configuration the rules from the "my_extension" extension will override the matching rules from the defined transformation files.

Ester Heylen (22/06/2010 11:44 am)

Ester Heylen (22/06/2010 11:44 am)


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