
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the various methods eZ Publish will try to authenticate user logins.


LoginHandler[]= handler1
LoginHandler[]= handler2


eZ Publish will try to authenticate users using the login handlers in the order they are specified. eZ Publish provides the following login handlers:

  • standard - The default login handler for eZ Publish. Users are authenticated using the user objects found in eZ Publish itself.
  • LDAP - The LDAP login handler. Users are authenticated through an LDAP server. Settings related to the LDAP login handler can be found in ldap.ini.
  • textfile - The textfile login handler allows users to be specified in a textfile similar to the passwd file on *NIX systems. Settings related to the textfile login handler can be found in textfile.ini.

Common for the login handlers different from the standard login handler is that eZ Publish automatically creates these users in eZ Publish itself. These users can then log in using the standard log in handler. Users created this way are updated automatically using cronjobs.



This configuration will try to log in users using the standard handler. If the standard handler fails, eZ Publish will try to authenticate the user via LDAP. If that also fails, the login is unsuccessful.

Frederik Holljen (03/03/2005 3:30 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler (25/10/2010 11:25 am)

Frederik Holljen, Geir Arne Waaler


  • Very light explanation about LDAP

    I found no interesting document to explain in details how to plug EZ-PUBLISH to LDAP. And it would have been very interesting to put a document explaining the different steps to make EZP work with LDAP connection and list the different workarounds to accomplish such task.

    If someone knows where I could get a detailed document about LDAP configuration in EZP, it would be great.

    Many Thanks.