
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


64bitCompatibilityMode Enables 64bit compatibility mode
AllowedRedirectHosts Array of allowed hosts for redirects with full URL from eZ Publish modules
DefaultAccess Sets the default site access when the URI access method is used.
IndexPage Sets the page to display when the root "/" of your site is accessed.
LoginPage Sets if eZ Publish should use a custom pagelayout for the log in page.
MetaDataArray Sets the site metadata that is used on several places on your site.
RootNodeDepth Define the depth where your siteaccess root is located.
SiteList Sets the siteaccesses available to outside sources (currently used for webdav only)
SiteName The name of your site.
SiteURL Sets the URL of your site. Used e.g when generating links for notifactions and emails.
SSLPort The port that that should be used for SSL requests.
SSLProxyServerName Sets which virtual host that functions as a proxy server for incoming SSL requests.

Frederik Holljen (01/03/2005 8:13 am)

Ricardo Correia (19/12/2013 3:40 pm)

Frederik Holljen, Ricardo Correia


  • site.ini[SiteSettings][Dir]

    I found no information about [SiteSettings][Dir] setting. This parameter isnt listed, but it exists in global site.ini file ( ezPublish 3.7.3 ) .
    Could someone give some info about it.
    • Re: site.ini[SiteSettings][DefaultPage]

      site.ini[SiteSettings][DefaultPage] : The default page to show, e.g. after user login this will be used for default redirection