
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


ActivityTimeout This setting will define the number of seconds before a user is considered inactive.
BasketCleanup Sets how the shopping baskets for expired and removed sessions are cleaned up.
BasketCleanupAverageFrequency Sets how often the basket cleanup cronjob will actually work when being executed.
CookieDomain This setting sets the domain for which the cookie is valid.
CookieHttponly This setting sets whether or not scripts are allowed to access cookies.
CookiePath This setting will set the path to the domain for which the cookie is valid.
CookieSecure This setting sets whether or not cookies are allowed to be sent over an unsecure connection.
CookieTimeout The CookieTimeout setting sets the lifetime of the session cookie.
ForceStart This setting will allow sessions to always start.
Handler Sets the handler responsible for handling sessions.
SessionNameHandler Sets how session names should be generated
SessionNamePerSiteAccess Prepends session names with the current siteaccess.
SessionNamePrefix Sets the prefix eZ publish should use when creating session names.
SessionTimeout This setting will define the number of seconds a session will last.

Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 12:57 pm)

Frederik Holljen (22/04/2005 3:01 pm)


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