

ez publish / technical manual / 4.x / reference / configuration files / ldap.ini / [ldapsettings] / ldapusergroupattributetype:

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the LDAP attribute type for user groups.



LDAPUserGroupAttributeType= name | id | dn


This setting sets the LDAP attribute type for user groups. This setting is used in combination with the setting LDAPUserGroupAttribute in block [LDAPSettings].
Possible values are:

  • name: the name of the group will be used. If 'name' is used, then the LDAPUserGroupAttribute attribute must contain the name of an existing eZ Publish group.
  • id: the numeric ID of the group will be used. If 'id' is used, then the LDAPUserGroupAttribute attribute must contain an ID, for example 42, that will match an existing eZ Publish group with the name 'LDAP 42'.
  • dn: Starting with eZ Publish 4.3, the DN of the group will be used. If 'DN' is used, then the LDAPUserGroupAttribute attribute must contain a DN referring to the group the user belongs to.
    Note that when the LDAPUserGroupAttributeType is set to "dn", the LDAPUserGroupAttribute should be set to an LDAP attribute that holds the DN of the group(s) to which the user belongs. If the user belongs to multiple groups, then this attribute should be set multiple times in the LDAP user object instead of containing multiple DNs (like how LDAP attributes are normally used).

This setting is case sensitive.



The value used in the LDAPUserGroupAttribute setting must contain the name of an existing eZ Publish group.
This is the default setting.

Ester Heylen (16/11/2009 6:26 pm)

Ester Heylen (23/06/2010 8:16 am)


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