
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the type of search performed by the LDAP handler.



LDAPSearchScope= sub | one | base


The LDAP handler performs a search for the user object on the LDAP server to verify the login and password provided by the user.
There are three kinds of searches: sub, one or base. This setting defines the type of search to use.

  • sub: This is the default search, it will search the whole subtree below the base DN
  • one: This will search one level only, the level immediately below the base DN
  • base: This will search for only one object, which means that the base DN must equal the DN of the object you want. This can only be used in the very special case where there is only one LDAP user, presumably a system user of some kind, and all other users come from other sources.

This setting is case sensitive.



The LDAP handler will search the whole subtree below the base DN for the user object on the LDAP server to verify the login and password provided by the user.
This is the default setting.

Ester Heylen (16/11/2009 3:46 pm)

Ester Heylen (22/06/2010 3:07 pm)


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