
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the LDAP group mapping type.



LDAPGroupMappingType= UseGroupAttribute | SimpleMapping | GetGroupsTree


This setting sets the LDAP group mapping type.
Possible values are: UseGroupAttribute, SimpleMapping an GetGroupsTree

  • UseGroupAttribute: this is the old style group assignment which uses the LDAPUserGroupAttribute setting.
    This mode requires that group membership is specified in the LDAP user object, i.e. the user object contains an attribute specifying the groups.
    When using this value also check the setting LDAPCreateMissingGroups in block [LDAPSettings].
    When using this value in combination with the LDAPUserGroupAttributeType setting set to 'dn', you should also check the setting LDAPGroupNameAttribute in block [LDAPSettings]
  • SimpleMapping: this uses the LDAPUserGroupMap array for name-to-name group mapping.
    This mode requires that group membership is specified in the LDAP group object, i.e. the group object contains an attribute specifying the users that are members.
    When you use this, you must also set LDAPGroupClass, LDAPGroupNameAttribute, LDAPGroupMemberAttribute, and LDAPUserGroupMap in block [LDAPSettings]
  • GetGroupsTree: this uses the automatic name-to-name group mapping, which creates groups as needed.
    This mode requires that group membership is specified in the LDAP group object, i.e. the group object contains an attribute specifying the users that are members.
    When you use this, you must set LDAPGroupClass, LDAPGroupNameAttribute and LDAPGroupMemberAttribute in block [LDAPSettings].

For more information and examples on LDAP group mapping type please visit the chapter LDAP group mapping type

This setting is case sensitive



This is the default setting.

Ester Heylen (16/11/2009 5:20 pm)

Ester Heylen (22/06/2010 4:00 pm)


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