
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the access permissions for the new images.



ImagePermissions= 0666 or 0660


Sets the access permission for the new images.Possible values:

  • 0666: setting it to 0666 means that anyone can read and write the files and can be considered a security risk.
  • 0660: It's preferred to use 0660 and make sure the web server has correct user/group access.

As value chmod commands are used, which allow you to set certain permissions for files on your Web server. These commands allow you to specify permissions for the owner, the group and everyone else.

It can be useful to know the meaning of the numbers used:

  • The location of the numbers has a specific meaning. The second number sets the permissions for the owner, the third sets the permissions for the group, and the last number sets the permissions for everyone else.
  • The number itself also has a specific permission meaning:
    • "0" (zero) will permit nothing
    • "1" will permit executing only
    • "2" permits writing only
    • "3" permits writing and executing
    • "4" permits reading only
    • "5" permits reading and executing
    • "6" permits reading and writing
    • "7" permits reading, writing and executing.

And as an example, to allow everyone to read, write and execute use "0777".



This is the default setting.

Ester Heylen (10/05/2010 12:29 pm)

Ester Heylen (10/05/2010 12:29 pm)


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