
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



INI File Optimizations


This new setting controls whether eZINI should check if the settings have been updated in the *.ini-files*. If this check is disabled eZ Publish will always use the cached values, lowering the amount of stat-calls to the file system, and thus increasing performance.Set EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK constant to 'false 'to improve performance by not checking modified time on 'ini files'. You can also set it to the name of an 'ini file' you still want to check modified time. For example, set it to 'site.ini' to make the system still check if that file has been modified, while ignoring changes for any other file.Note that independently of this setting, new INI override files will NEVER be found automatically. You will need to clear at least the INI cache when a new INI file override is added to the structure. Note that new files are not affected, but this is an edge situation.

define( 'EZP_INI_FILEMTIME_CHECK', false )

Andrea Melo (21/06/2012 3:45 pm)

Andrea Melo (22/06/2012 9:57 am)


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