

ez publish / technical manual / 5.x / installation / the setup wizard

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

The setup wizard

This Documentation can be found on the following link: The setup wizard

Please refer to this link to access it.

Geir Arne Waaler (24/11/2010 11:59 am)

Ricardo Correia (08/01/2013 11:33 am)

Geir Arne Waaler, André R., Andrea Melo, Ricardo Correia


  • Access to User and Admin site

    I missed to save the page or note down URL of USER SITE and ADMIN SITE. How can I access them now?
  • dont exist

    ... to restart the installation wizard after its successful finishing by specifying "CheckValidity=true" in the "settings/override/site.ini.append.php" file so that the setup wizard will be initiated when trying to access the site-

    Exactlly, this is my problem, my Ez installation is succesfully but when i access to home, the installation wizard start another time.

    In my ftp dont exist this file settings/override/site.ini.append.php

    ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? what can i do ?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?


    congratulations by this excelent cms-
  • help

    i unzipped ez files into an directory of my pesonal site, this directory is called ez

    i called the url http://www.hor848.com/ez/index.php (hor848.com is my personal site)
    and i've got:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '(' in /web/htdocs/www.hor848.com/home/ez/index.php on line 121

    someone kow why??
    many many thx

    • Re: help

      I received the same error and found out that i used PHP 4, so i updated to PHP5.
      This solved the problem!
  • Database

    My host is 1and1. I have several mysql databases. My problem is, on the database initialization, i'm not asked which database to use i.e:

    Socket (optional):
    database: <<<<<<(missing)

    So when i get to the stage of site access, i'm presented my username as the database of choice. For my, the Username & Database name are different.
    As a result, i can't install ezpublish.
    How can i resolve this problem?
    • Re: Database

      Step 5 ("Database initialization") is where you tell the wizard how to connect to the database server. The wizard will display the available databases and suggest you to choose one during step 9 ("Site details").

      • Re: Re: Database

        I get the same error when choosing either MySQL or MySQL Improved... does not look like the instructions.
  • AcceptPathInfo On

    I have started to install eZ Publish on to my host server. When set english as default language i go to next step i get error notice:

    You need to enable AcceptPathInfo in your Apache config file, if you're using apache 2.x. If you're running apache 1.3, eZ Publish will not run in CGI mode.

    Check the Apache documentation, or enter the following into your httpd.conf file.
    AcceptPathInfo On

    My host has Apache 2.x but i can't edit httpd.conf file because i don't have access to it. I got answer from my host provider that i can do the same thing with .htaccess file but i do not know how to do that. I have tried all the options already and now i ask you for help!

    Thank you
    • Re: AcceptPathInfo On

      Hi, please post your question to http://ez.no/developer/forum Thank you!
  • Install Error

    I am getting the error below after clicking on last screen where data is inserted in MySQL and site is initialized. When I click on refresh after this error, I get 2 errors -
    Failed inserting data to mysql
    Table 'ezapprove_items' already exists
    Failed to initialize site package 'ezwebin_site'

    Error I get after providing all details and passing through the installation steps.

    Server error!

    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

    Error message:
    Premature end of script headers: php-fcgi-starter

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

    Error 500

    Tue Dec 23 15:50:00 2008
    • Re: Install Error

      Same problem here. Did you already come up with the solution for this?
  • site details

    i am having troubles on instalation:

    The database [monteiro_portal] cannot be used, the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [iso-8859-1]. You will have to choose a database having support for [utf-8] or modify [monteiro_portal] .

    What do I have to do?
    • Re: site details

      I have the same problem here. I installed MySQL administrator and can't connect to database.
      • Re: Re: site details

        The same on me ""the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set []. "
  • Where can I find the admin interface ??

    In Site details i write:
    Tittle : My Site Name
    Site URL : http://www.MySiteName.com
    User Path: my_site_name
    Admin Path: my_site_Name_admin

    But In Finished I see:
    URL: User Site (Link=Eng) Admin site (Link= my_site_name_admin)

    The links go nowhere.

    Try the URL given in an answer above (Try - Log in to the administration interface of eZ publish: http://mysite.com/intranet/index.php/plain_site_admin), with the word "intranet" and it is not. But I can not log in to the administration interface of eZ publish.

    Where can I find the admin interface : http://ez.no/var/doc/storage/imag...r/14645-3-eng-GB/view_folder_doc.png

    Please help.


  • Database Initialization Error

    Server: hosted
    Port: 3306
    Type: MySQL

    When adding the database details, I get the following error message:

    Fatal error: Class 'ezcBaseOptions' not found in /homepages/46/d218878200/htdocs/iranbusinessjournal/kernel/private/options/ezpextensionoptions.php on line 54
    Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

    The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

    I have tried this with Improved MySQL and had same error message!

    Any idea?
  • db utf error

    I am getting an error that indicates "the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [iso-8859-1]" however in my db manager console it indicates "MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)" which would seem to indicate I have it set up the way it is supposed to be but ez is not recognizing it. I have tried both the MySQL and the MySQL improved options and they both get stuck on this same error.
    • Re: db utf error

      Same here. And i have utf-8 db.
  • Site Security htaccess message

    Here is what I get:

    Site security

    Your site is not running in a virtual host mode, this is insecure. It is recommended to run eZ Publish in virtual host mode. If you do not have the possibility to use virtual host mode, you should follow the instructions below about how to install an .htaccess file. The .htaccess file tells the web server to restrict the access to certain files.

    If you have shell access, you can run the following commands.

    cd /hsphere/local/home/dante22e/givespamachance.com/spamville
    cp .htaccess_root .htaccess

    If you do not have shell access, you will have to copy the file using an FTP client or ask your hosting provider to do this for you.



    My web hosting service is useless and I can't understand what to do. I have WebShell editor to play with the files/folders.
    • Re: Site Security htaccess message

      LOL did I just post info that can harm me? I'm tired. I wonder if the comments above can be deleted? admin?
  • Installation Error

    I uploaded ALL file of eZ publish 4.3 to my host server.
    when I start the installation i get the following:
    Fatal error: Class 'eZPersistentObject' not found in /home/training/public_html/ez/kernel/classes/ezsection.php on line 37
    Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
    The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, debug information can be found in the log files normally placed in var/log/*

    Any comments!