

ez publish / technical manual / 3.8 / reference / modules / content / views / tipafriend

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Provides an interface to the "tip a friend" feature.

Balazs Halasy (07/04/2005 11:58 am)

Balazs Halasy (09/04/2005 8:11 am)


  • This is how you use it

    Way to use it in tpls:
    <a href={concat('/content/tipafriend/', $node.node_id)|ezurl}>Send this to a friend</a>
  • Typo -- THIS is how you use it

    Way to use it in tpls:

    <a href={concat('/content/tipafriend/', $node.node_id)|ezurl}>Send this to a friend</a>

    • Re: Typo -- THIS is how you use it

      And this will work when cache is activated
      <a href={concat('/content/tipafriend/', $module_result.node_id)|ezurl}>Send this to a friend</a>
  • Problem with tipafriend

    I have a problem using "tip a friend" feature

    ERROR :
    Suggérer à un ami
    Le message n'a pas été envoyé.
    Le message n'a pas été envoyé car une erreur inconnue est survenue. S.V.P. avisez l'administrateur du Site.

    • Re: Problem with tipafriend

      Hi, please report this to http://issues.ez.no