
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


Tables can be created in the same way as in HTML using "table", "tr", "th" and "td" tags. The tables can be nested. Usage:

<table [class=""] [border=""] [width=""]>

The "class", "border" and "width" parameters are optional. The "class" parameter can be used to assign a desired CSS class. The "border" parameter can be used to set a border (number of pixels). The "width" parameter can be used to control the table width (either 0-100% or number of pixels). Table content should be written according to normal HTML table syntax with "tr", "th" and "td" tags, see below.

Table rows

Table rows can be created in the same way as in HTML:

<tr>Table row content goes here.</tr>

Table headers

Table headers can be created in the same way as in HTML:

<th [class=""] [width=""] [rowspan=""] [colspan=""]>Example.</th>

All parameters are optional. The "class" parameter can be used to set the desired CSS class. The "width" parameter can be used to set the width (either as percentage or number of pixels). The "rowspan" and "colspan" parameters are the same as in HTML.

Table data/cell

Table data/cells can be created in the same way as in HTML:

<td [class=""] [width=""] [rowspan=""] [colspan=""]>Example.</td>

All parameters are optional. The "class" parameter can be used to set the desired CSS class. The "width" parameter can be used to set the width (either as percentage or number of pixels). The "rowspan" and "colspan" parameters are the same as in HTML.

Balazs Halasy (10/03/2005 11:47 am)

Balazs Halasy (28/04/2005 2:33 pm)


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