
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


Headings/titles can be added by making use of either the "h" or the "header" tag. The "level" parameter controls the size/level of the heading, it must be a number between 1 and 6. The optional "class" parameter allows the use of a desired CSS class. The optional "anchor_name" parameter makes it possible to add an anchor to the heading. Usage:

<h [level=""] [class=""] [anchor_name=""]>Example</h>


<header [level=""] [class=""] [anchor_name=""]>Example</header>

By default, the specified levels are increased by one. In other words, a level 1 header in the XML block will become a level 2 header (H2) in the resulting HTML. The reason for this is because the H1 tag is reserved for the name / main title of the content object. The headings inside the XML block will thus become subheadings of the main title. This behavior can be changed by creating an override template for the "/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/header.tpl" template (it can not be controlled from within an configuration file).

Balazs Halasy (10/03/2005 11:44 am)

Balazs Halasy (08/09/2005 11:16 am)


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