
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Configuration settings

All the useful configuration directives are located here:


Note that the default values are listed in bold in this document.


Possible configuration settings:

  •  Verbosity=enabled/ disabled
  •  FetchLimit=<integer>
  •  PHPBinaryPath=
  •  UseXHTMLOutput= enabled/disabled
  •  UseCDATA= enabled/disabled


When enabled this options makes it possible to have textual output whenever an export starts.

Here is an example of such output:

Running cronjob part 'ezxmlexport'
Running  extension/ezxmlexport/cronjob/ezxmlexport.php
Exporting export 'export' (  10 )
Export is finishing
Applying XSLT
Compressing  export.1223303012.110.xml
Compressing export.1223303012.82.xml
Compressing  export.1223303012.67.xml
Compressing export.1223303012.60.xml
Compressing  export.1223303012.109.xml
Compressing  export.1223303012.88.xml
Compressing export.1223303012.114.xml
Sending  over FTP Connexion attempt #1
Sending [...]
Export 'export' done

The most interesting part of the above output example is:

Exporting export 'export' ( 10 )

In this example " 'export' " is the export's name and "10" is the exportID.

The default value is:



This setting limits the amount of fetched nodes. It permits slicing the export into several parts enabling it to run for longer periods of time without crashing or stopping, and thus allowing all ezxmltext to be exported.
 This value must be greater than 0.

The default value is:



This values is necessary to be able to run the export. If the value is empty the cronjob will automatically use the default binary path.

The default value is:



This setting allows you to choose if ezxmltext fields are exported as XHTML (the original output) or XML (the recommended output). It is recommended to disable this setting as it creates a more flexible output.
 Enabling this setting will allow eZ XML Export to behave like it originally did, meaning it will export ezxmltext datatypes as XHTML. This can also be useful for backward compatibility reasons and is therefore the default setting.

The default value is:



This setting allows you to choose if ezxmltext fields are exported within a CDATA section. This could however prevent an easy processing of the content and can therefore be disabled.

The default value is:



Possible configuration settings:

  •  FTPShipment=enabled/ disabled
  •  DeleteSourceFileAfterShipment= enabled/disabled


This defines if login credentials are needed in configuration files. They are not required here because they are required in the customer or project definition. Please visit the eZ XML Export Concepts page for more information regarding FTP.

The default value is:



This setting defines whether or not to delete source files after they have been exported.

The default value is:



Possible configuration settings:

  •  XSLTTransformation=enabled/ disabled
  •  DeleteXMLSourceAfterXSLTTransformation=enabled/ disabled


XSLT files are not defined in the configuration. In order to use custom XSLT files you must manually upload your file in the following folder:


Use ASCII characters without special or diacritic characters as they will all be removed at runtime and then the XSLT file may not be applied.
 The default value is:



This setting defines whether or not to delete the XML source files after they have been processed by an XSLT stylesheet.
 The default value is:



Possible configuration settings:

  •  TarBinaryPath=
  •  ActivateCompression=enabled/disabled

This configuration group makes it possible to compress files before they are sent by FTP. Note that only GZip format is available at the moment.


The default value is:


Geir Arne Waaler (12/04/2010 12:58 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler (22/10/2010 12:11 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler, Ester Heylen


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