Management of surveys
Once eZ Survey is installed, a Survey-tab is added in your Administration Interface but as long as your setup hasn't been finished, you will be guided to the Survey Wizard. When your Setup is finished, you can find a list of surveys here and configure the related objects. The list of surveys will provide you with an overview of the activity and answers per survey. By clicking on the results-icon you are shown the results overview of a specific survey.

Here you can choose to see the survey summary or the evaluations per participant. Also you can easily export the results, which are saved as csv-files.
Surveys in User Interface
In the User Interface, depending on the specifications chosen by you, the survey form could look something like this:

Ricardo Correia (18/11/2013 10:25 am)
Ricardo Correia (22/11/2013 12:28 pm)
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