

ez publish / technical manual / 4.7 / installation / ez publish 4.7 etna known i...

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

eZ Publish 4.7 Etna Known Issues

The following issues are specifically related to eZ Publish 4.7.

eZ Network related issues

  • If you are using the eZ Network extension and monitors are enabled, the database checker will return the following errors:

          DROP TABLE ez_ct_change_entry;

          DROP TABLE ez_ct_change_log;

      These errors should be ignored.

  • The monitors in eZ Network will not run systems using the Oracle database. If you are using Oracle, do not use the sync_monitor cronjob (php runcronjobs.php sync_monitor);
  • If using eZ Network extension on a system using the Oracle database, the upgrade checker will return the following warnings:

          DROP INDEX ezx_ezpnet_installation00001_i;

          CREATE INDEX ezx_eznet_install_cust_id ON ezx_ezpnet_installation (customer_id);

          DROP INDEX ezx_ezpnet_mon_result_f00002_i;

          CREATE INDEX ezx_eznet_mon_result_finished ON ezx_ezpnet_mon_result (finished)

      These errors should be ignored.

eZ Comments related issues

  • If installing eZ Comments on postgresql, the database checker will return the following errors:

          ALTER TABLE ezcomment RENAME COLUMN text TO  text_tmp;

          ALTER TABLE ezcomment ADD COLUMN text text;

          ALTER TABLE ezcomment ALTER text SET NOT NULL;

          UPDATE  ezcomment SET  text=text_tmp;

          ALTER TABLE ezcomment DROP COLUMN text_tmp;

      These errors should be ignored.

Other known issues

# ID



If using oracle, the ezasynchronouspublisher daemon is unable to recover if database temporarily goes away


(tc-845) eZ Flow blocks don't work with custom classes


Collapsible navigation in iphone access breaks if tapped quickly


(tc-27) In ESI, serving files through FTp, is requiring the destination folder to exist


Module not found, after removing ezteamroom


Operator 'ezkeywordlist' is not registered in EzTeamRoom


Design element javascript/ezoe/ez_core.js does not exist in any design - EzTeamRoom


(tc-401) (ezdfs) clearing cache is not working as should in cluster ezdfs


EzStyleEditor Font-Size = Margin-Top?


Watermark transparency is lost in image editor using GD on a gif image


eZAsynchronouspublisher: After Publishing Undefined group: 'ImageDataTypeSettings' in site.ini in var/log/error.log


When using multiupload option the website toolbar is missing


(tc-160) (Teamroom) Adding an event to a calendar raises a fatal error in Postgres


It's not possible to fetch for logged in users in Oracle DFS


Unable to view MP4 Videos on IE9 With Oracle DFS


(eZ Image Editor) The shortcuts, in the image Editor button's tooltips, are in triplicate


(tc-53) - "carriage returns" <CR> and <BR> don't work on Online editor


Autosave not displaying "The draft is being saved" if Intervale=0 and TrackUserInput=disabled


eZFlow Multimedia Carousel not working properly in Postgres


TC-80: Sending information collection isn't sending e-mail in Postgres


Internet Explorer 9 does not show any error message when reproducing .ogv video


README.cluster in ezoracle extension is not updated


After Upgrading to eZ Publish 4.7 rc1 I have to login to have access to frontend with Oracle


Error migrating permissions from Mysql to Oracle in eZ Publish 4.6 when using ./extension/ezoracle/bin/shell/ora-initialize.sh


Line disappears after soft carriage return (eZOE)


(tc-554) - Editing articles, that have translations, on Dashboard only allows to edit in english language


clear cache doesn't remove translation list cache


'Top Rated' block will not display if a limit is not defined


ezteamroom : the extension has dependency to ezmultiupload, but that is not defined in extension.xml


(Teamroom) Signed up and confirmed new users are unable to access teamroom


(Teamroom) Aligning a line does not work in Online Editor of Teamroom


(Teamroom) Sorted ordering bullets does not work on Online Editor of Teamroom


Database Check Failed after upgrading from Ez Publish 4.6 > 4.7 with MySql


Search no working correctly in eZ Teamroom


Unable to "Disable editor" when online editor is on Full Screen


Typo in demo content of installation packages for eZ Publish 4.7


eZ XML Export DataTypes (type <country>) does not export correctly


Database Check Failed after upgrading from Ez Publish 4.6 > 4.7 rc1 with Oracle


Database check fails on a clean 4.6 installation running as MySQL DB Cluster


Postgres issue with ezcomment table

Andrea Melo (14/05/2012 1:16 pm)

Andrea Melo (15/05/2012 12:52 pm)


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