

ez publish / technical manual / 3.9 / installation / manual installation / manual configuration of ez...

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Manual configuration of eZ publish

This section describes how to manually configure eZ publish instead of using the setup wizard to do all the work. Please keep in mind that the manual installation method is for expert users only. It should only be used by people who know what they are doing. The following steps will work on both Linux/UNIX and Windows environments.

Database initialization

A clean eZ publish database is created using two very important SQL scripts: "kernel_schema" and "cleandata" (please note that an empty database should be created before launching these scripts). The first of them initializes the necessary database structure and the second one imports the pre-defined data to the database. While the "kernel_schema" script differs for each database engine, the "cleandata" script is the same for all solutions.


Use the following command to run the MySQL specific "kernel_schema" script:

$ mysql -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE < PATH/kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_schema.sql

Note that the CREATE TABLE statements in the "kernel_schema" script do not specify which storage engine to use (no ENGINE or TYPE option), and thus the default storage engine will be used. Normally, it is MyISAM. If you are running MySQL 4.x or later, it is recommended to use the InnoDB engine instead (if it is available on your server). To do this, set the default storage engine to InnoDB before you run the "kernel_schema" script (refer to the MySQL documentation for information about how to set the default engine).

When installing an eZ Publish version downloaded from a subversion repository, "TYPE=MyISAM" is explicitly specified in "kernel_schema.sql". To make the script use the InnoDB storage engine, replace all occurrences of "TYPE=MyISAM" with "TYPE=InnoDB" before you run the script. In addition, set the default storage engine to InnoDB, otherwise future upgrades might leave you with a mix of table types.

Alternatively, you can run the "kernel_schema" script first and then convert the newly created tables to InnoDB. You can either use the "bin/php/ezconvertmysqltabletype.php" script for database conversion (recommended) or convert the tables individually by using the following SQL query for each table:

ALTER TABLE <name_of_table> TYPE = innodb;


Use the following command to run the generic "cleandata" script:

$ mysql -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE < PATH/kernel/sql/common/cleandata.sql



The MySQL user (if no user is set up, use "root").


The password that belongs to the username.


The name of the database, for example "my_database".


The full path to the root directory of your eZ publish installation, for example "/opt/ezpublish/3.8".

File permissions

Windows users can skip this part. If eZ publish is installed on a Linux/UNIX based system, some of the file permissions need to be changed. There exists a shell script that takes care of this. This script must be run, or else, eZ publish will not function properly. The script needs to be run from within the eZ publish directory:

$ cd /opt/ezpublish/3.8
$ bin/modfix.sh


Replace the "/opt/ezpublish/3.8" by the full path to the root directory of your eZ publish installation.

The modfix script recursively alters the permission settings of the following directories inside the eZ publish installation:

  • var/*
  • settings/*
  • design/*

If you know the user and group of the webserver it is recommended to use a different set of permissions:

# chown -R user.usergroup var/ settings/ design/
# chmod -R 770 var/ settings/ design/

The "user.usergroup" notation must be changed to user and groupname that the webserver runs as.

Configuring eZ publish

The "site.ini.append.php" configuration file located in the "settings/override" directory of your eZ publish installation must be changed, or else eZ publish will not function properly. This file is the global override for the site.ini configuration file. There are a lot of things that need to be configured (database, mail transport system, var directory, etc.). The following text shows a generic example of a configuration that can be used:

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?
# Host matching
*/ ?>

In the example above the "AvailableSiteAccessList[]" array located in the "[SiteAccessSettings]" section of this file determines the available siteaccesses called "example" and "example_admin". The "CheckValidity" setting located in the same section should be set to false, otherwise the setup wizard will be initiated when trying to access the site.

In addition, two siteaccess configurations must be created, a public siteaccess ("example") and an administration siteaccess ("example_admin"). The following subdirectories have to be created in the root of your eZ publish installation:

  • settings/siteaccess/example
  • settings/siteaccess/example_admin

Both siteaccesses must have a file called "site.ini.append.php".

The public siteaccess

The following text shows a generic solution for the "example" siteaccess:

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?
*/ ?>

The admin siteaccess

The following text shows a generic solution for the "example_admin" siteaccess:

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?
*/ ?>

Please note that database settings, mail settings, regional and other settings defined in "settings/override/site.ini.append.php" will be used for each siteaccess regardless of what is specified in the siteaccess settings. In the example above, the "Database=my_database" is specified under the "[DatabaseSettings]" section of this file so this database will be used for both "example" and "example_admin" siteaccesses. Please refer to the "Site management" and "Configuration" sections of the "Concepts and basics" chapter for more information.

Unicode support

If you're using a database which supports Unicode (for example MySQL 4.1.x or later) and PHP is compiled with multibyte string support, create the file called "i18n.ini.append.php" in the "settings/override/" directory of your eZ publish installation and make sure that it contains the following lines:

<?php /* #?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?
*/ ?>


In eZ publish 3.7 and earlier versions, objects had to be created in the primary language before they could be translated to additional languages. Multiple translators could not work simultaneously because the edit process locked the entire version which also contained the translations. In eZ publish 3.8, the primary language concept is gone and thus objects can be created using different languages. This means that you can for example have an article available only in English and another article available only in Norwegian. Multiple translators can work with different translations at the same time on the same object. (Please refer to the "Multi-language" section of the "Features" chapter for more information about new functionality.)

Available languages and their priorities can be controlled per siteaccess using the "SiteLanguageList" configuration setting located under the "[RegionalSettings]" section of the siteaccess "site.ini.append.php" file. If this setting is not specified, the system will use the old "ContentObjectLocale" setting and thus only the default language will be shown. Please note that the "ContentObjectLocale" INI setting does not specify the primary language but the default language. This language will be used as the default value in PHP functions that support an optional parameter for language.

The "cleandata.sql" script creates only one language which is the British English (eng-GB). All other languages should be added using "Setup ? Languages" in the administration interface (http://admin.example.com in the example above). The following username and password are set by the "creandata.sql" script and can be used for logging in to the administration interface.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: publish

Balazs Halasy (03/05/2005 8:28 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina (20/08/2008 8:17 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Julia Shymova


  • Some other INI files

    When you use the setup wizard and use the plain site package, some other INI files than site.ini are initialized as well.

    This documentation page should list them all, especially for the admin site access (toolbar.ini, icon.ini, ...).
  • Databases

    In the insatallation wizzard there are many databases, for this manual connection which database should be the source of information for the home public access.

  • install probleme

    I installed ez publish vesion 8. I don't see the image when I preview. Can you help me? what is the configuration of the image?
  • Couldn't login

    I've done a manual installation of 3.9.2, trying to setup a multi-sites configuration.
    After inserting all cleandata.sql, I never can login using [admin/publish] : "The system could not log you in."
    What could be wrong ? Any idea ?
    • Re: Couldn't login

      Hi, Xavier.
      A problem is not in cleandata.sql.
      I used him many times in work and no one problem with the login arose up.
  • Database name ?

    Sorry... Where can I put the database name?
    I don't see any field in the setup wizard...