

ez publish / technical manual / 3.6 / features / notifications / using the admin interface

Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Using the admin interface

Subtree notifications


You can easily subscribe for subtree notifications about an object using either the context menu or the notification settings interface.

Using the context menu

To subscribe for subtree notification for an object, you should do the following:

  1. Log in to the administration interface. You should see the "Content structure" tree on the left where the top node is selected. The following screenshot shows how the system will display the contents of the selected node and the list of its subitems.

    Browsing the content tree.

  2. Locate the desired node in the "Content structure" tree or the "Sub items" window, click on its icon and select "Add to my notifications" from the context menu - this is shown in the screenshot below.

    Subscribing to subtree notifications using the context menu.

  3. The system will add a new subtree notification and show you a confirmation:

    The "notification added" confirmation for administrators.

Using the notification settings interface

It is possible to subscribe for subtree notifications for an object by adding this object to the "My item notifications" list located towards the bottom of the notification settings interface. The following text reveals how this can be done:

  1. Click the "My Account" tab in the administration interface and select the "My notification settings" link on the left. You will be taken to the notification settings interface as shown in the screenshot below.

    Notification settings for administrators.

    This interface can be also accessed by adding the "/notification/settings" notation to the site URL.
  2. Look at the "My item notifications" list located towards the bottom of the notification settings interface. All the items that you have already subscribed for are listed here. Click the "Add items" button to add a new notification.
  3. The system will bring up the browse interface which will allow you to select the desired nodes:

    Browsing the content tree.

    Use the list to select the node which encapsulates the object that you wish to be notified about. Please note that it is possible to select multiple nodes/objects at the same time. You can navigate the list by clicking on the names of the nodes. If the desired node is located outside the "Content structure" tree then simply click the up arrow icon/button until it brings you to the root of the tree. This operation will allow you to for example switch to the "User accounts" tree and select user groups that are located there. The following illustration shows the up-arrow.
    The "Up" button

    The "Up" button

    It is possible to reconfigure how the list is displayed. For example, you can set the quantity of objects per page by clicking the "10" / "25" and "50" links. If you wish to browse image objects as thumbnails, simply click the "Thumbnail" button.
  4. When you're finished selecting the desired object(s) (simply use the checkboxes to do this) click the "OK" button. The system will subscribe you for subtree notifications about these objects and add them to the "My item notifications" list.

Setting up the digest mode

If you wish to receive the subtree notifications as a daily/weekly/monthly digest, enable the digest mode as described below.

  1. Access the notification settings interface either by adding the "/notification/settings" notation to the URL or selecting "My Account - My notification settings" in the administration interface.
  2. The digest settings are located at the top of the notification settings interface. By default, the digest mode is disabled (as shown in the screenshot below).
    Digest settings

    Digest settings

    To enable the digest mode, select the "Receive all messages combined in one digest" checkbox and choose how often the digest should be sent to you.
    • Once a day, at some fixed time (from 0:00 to 23:00).
    • Once a week, on some fixed day (from Sunday to Saturday).
    • Once a month, on some fixed day (from 1 to 31).
  3. Click the "Apply changes" button to save your settings.


If you no longer wish to receive notifications about an object, use the following instructions to unsubscribe.

  1. Access the notification settings interface either by adding the "/notification/settings" notation to the URL or selecting "My Account" and then "My notification settings" in the administration interface.
  2. The "My item notifications" list located towards the bottom of the notification settings interface contains all the items that you have already subscribed for. Use checkboxes to select the item(s) that you no longer wish to be notified about (see the screenshot below).

    The list of items for subtree notifications.

  3. Click the "Remove selected" button. The system will remove the selected item(s) from the list of notifications and thus you will no longer receive any messages about that/those object(s).

Collaboration notifications

If you're using the collaboration system to work together with other people, you may wish to be notified by E-mail every time a new collaboration message is created for you. In this case, you should enable the collaboration notifications feature. The following text describes how to do this.

  1. Access the notification settings interface either by adding the "/notification/settings" notation to the URL or selecting "My Account" and then "My notification settings" in the administration interface.
  2. Look at the "Collaboration notification" section located under the digest settings. By default, the collaboration notifications are disabled. If you wish to receive collaboration notifications, select the "Approval" checkbox as shown in the following screenshot.

    Settings for collaboration notifications.

  3. Click the "Apply changes" button to save your settings. The system will then send you an E-mail every time a new collaboration message is generated for you.

Please note that collaboration notifications do not support digest mode.

Svitlana Shatokhina (09/02/2006 9:59 am)

Balazs Halasy (16/02/2006 9:41 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina, Balazs Halasy


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