'Click recommend'-event
‘Click recommend'-event
This event is of outmost importance if you want to measure the acceptance of your recommendations. In the statistics we use the ratio of ´Click recommended´-events” divided by the total number of recommendation calls to calculate the so-called conversion rate:
conversion rate = # of ´click recommended´-events/ # recommendation calls
The ‘click recommended’ event is sent by default, if a recommended object was clicked.
If you want to customize or use it differently, you can also add it manually. All you need to do is the following:
1) When you retrieve recommendations (see chapter ´The get recommendation call´) you set the parameter
2) The following code must be included into an <a>-tag of the templates that you use to show the recommendations (usually the line-view):
{if eq($create_clickrecommended_event, true())} {generate_common_event($node, 'clickrecommended')}{/if}
Example (article line view):
<div class="content-view-line">
<div class="class-article float-break">
<h2><a {if eq($create_clickrecommended_event, true())} {generate_common_event($node, 'clickrecommended')}{/if} href={$node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$node.data_map.title.content|wash} </a></h2>
3) In many cases you include an image into the view. In this case you have to inherit the create_clickrecommended_event variable and the node to the corresponding image.tpl.
Example (article line view):
{section show=$node.data_map.image.has_content}
<div class="attribute-image">
{attribute_view_gui image_class=articlethumbnail href=$node.url_alias|ezurl attribute=$node.data_map.image create_clickrecommended_event= $create_clickrecommended_event ycnode=$node}
4) Finally you have to modify your override of the ´ezimage.tpl´ in an <a>-tag similar to step 2) and include the code to generate the ´click recommended´-event. Note that we used the additional variable ´ycnode´ to inherit the node.
Example (ezimage override):
{if $href} <a {if eq($create_clickrecommended_event, true())} {generate_common_event($ycnode, 'clickrecommended')}{/if} href={$href} {if and( is_set( $link_class ), $link_class )} class="{$link_class}"{/if} {if and( is_set( $link_id ), $link_id )} id="{$link_id}"{/if} {if $target} target="{$target}"{/if} {if and( is_set( $link_title ), $link_title )} id="{$link_title|wash}"{/if}> {/if}
Andrea Melo (29/05/2012 3:45 pm)
Andrea Melo (31/05/2012 1:44 pm)
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