
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Known issues in the eZ Image Editor

Black & White filter applied to a region

The black & white filter won't apply to a specific region but to the whole document. The reason hasn't been found in the ezie code itself, and might require investigation in the conversion ezcomponent.
This only occurs with JPG files. It works fine with PNG and GIF.
The bug has been narrowed down to the ImageMagick command line. The following line will convert the whole image even though the region parameter is correct:

/usr/local/bin/myconvert 'test.jpg' -region '341x379+291+178'  -colorspace 'Gray' -colors '255' 'JPG:test-out.jpg'

Extra info:

  • this does work when the output is a PNG file. So it's not an input, but output problem.
  • this happens on ImageMagick 6.3.7 on Ubuntu, and other platforms as well

Because the generated command line is okay and it works with other file formats and color spaces, this issue is most likely an ImageMagick bug.

Default eZ Publish image.ini settings will make ezcImageConverter fail

The default eZ Publish "image.ini" contains "[ImageMagick] Executable=convert" and "[ImageMagick] ExecutablePath=''. This is an issue with the current code, as we use this configuration for the component, and end up with a binary named "convert". If a custom binary setting is sent to the component, it won't show in the path, and will therefore throw an exception since it won't find a file by that name in the current directory.

Geir Arne Waaler (22/04/2010 11:24 am)

Ricardo Correia (25/01/2013 4:43 pm)

Geir Arne Waaler, Ester Heylen, Ricardo Correia


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