
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



The eZ Open Document Format (eZODF) extension integrates eZ Publish (version 3.8 and higher) with OpenDocument Text (.odt) documents. It supports both importing and exporting .odt documents. Documents can be written and read in either the OpenOffice Writer application or in Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word documents are converted to OpenDocument Text format via an installation of OpenOffice.org installed in the web server.

Target Audience

This manual describes how to perform basic importing and exporting operations with the eZODF version 2.0 extension. It is intended for anyone working with this extension in the Administration Interface or the Website Interface. For information on how to use and navigate the Administration Interface, refer to the eZ Publish User Manual. For information about using the Website Interface, refer to Website Interface Documentation.

More Resources

For assistance with eZODF or eZ Publish, refer to the following resources:

  • eZ Publish documentation: eZODF is an extension to eZ Publish. Documentation for shared features is not reproduced in these manuals. Instead, where appropriate, there are links in this document to the online versions of the eZ Publish documentation, located at eZ Publish Documentation.
  • eZ Publish forums: The forums on the eZ Systems website are a valuable community-driven resource, where eZ Publish users provide assistance and support to each other. Accessing the forums is free. The forums are located at eZ Publish Forums
  • Support from eZ Partners: eZ's global network of partners provide professional assistance for all eZ products. To find a partner, contact sales@ez.no
  • Other eZ solutions: For information about other solutions provided by eZ Systems, refer to eZ Publish Products.
  • Training and certification: eZ Systems and eZ Partners offer training courses and certifications for eZ Publish. Contact sales@ez.no or visit eZ Publish Training for more information. 
  • Open Document Format: For information about the specification, refer to Open Document Format.

Andrea Melo (26/09/2012 8:23 am)

Andrea Melo (02/10/2012 2:05 pm)


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