
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Fetches the number of children of a node.


fetch( 'content', 'list_count',
       hash( 'parent_node_id',            parent_node_id,
           [ 'class_filter_type',         class_filter_type,         ]
           [ 'class_filter_array',        class_filter_array,        ]
           [ 'attribute_filter',          attribute_filter,          ]
           [ 'extended_attribute_filter', extended_attribute_filter, ]
           [ 'main_node_only',            main_node_only,            ] ) )


parent_node_id integer The ID number of the parent node. Yes.
class_filter_type string The type of class filtering (include/exclude). No.
class_filter_array array The classes that should be filtered. No.
attribute_filter mixed Filter logic for attribute level filtering. No.
extended_attribute_filter mixed The extended attribute level filter logic. No.
main_node_only integer Type of nodes that should be fetched (all or main nodes only). No.


An integer (the number of nodes).


This function operates in almost the same way as the "list" fetch function. The difference is that instead of returning the actual nodes, it returns the count (the number of nodes that were found). The "list_count" function takes the same parameters as the "list" function with some exceptions (sorting, grouping, limit/offset, etc. is not supported). Please refer to the documentation of the "list" function for a detailed description of the parameters.


Example 1

{def $count=fetch( 'content', 'list_count', hash( 'parent_node_id', 42 ) )}
Node number 42 has {$count} number of children.

Outputs the number of nodes that are below node number 42.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 12:07 pm)

Svitlana Shatokhina (29/03/2007 1:58 pm)

Balazs Halasy, Svitlana Shatokhina


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