
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Audit logs

To enhance security, new audit functions have been defined for ezmbpaex operations. These audit functions can be enabled in an override for the audit.ini settings file:

  • User-password-change: Logs password changes made to third party accounts, for example when the administrator changes the password for a user
  • User-password-change-self: Logs when users change their own password
  • User-password-change-self-fail: Logs when users try to change their own password but submitted an invalid current password.
  • User-forgotpassword: Logs when users make use of the forgotpassword function of the userpaex module
  • User-forgotpassword-fail: Logs when users try to make use of the forgotpassword function of userpaex module but an error occurred. Here the actual error is also logged.

Ester Heylen (29/09/2009 12:20 pm)

Ester Heylen (29/09/2009 12:20 pm)


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