
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


eZ Flow allows you to supply your front page with a dynamic Keyword block which will display a list of latest content related to a specified keyword.

To add this block, log in to the eZ Flow front-end editing interface and edit the front page. Select the correct zone and in the block type drop down list you select "Keyword". 

The following block will appear where you can choose a source in order to limit the keyword related content you wish to show ("Home [Frontpage]" is selected in this example). Furthermore you are able to determine keywords and content classes.

If it is considered needed you can add a rotation interval (in minutes, hours or days), shuffle the results or set an overflow.

Click "Send for publishing" to complete the procedure.

Ricardo Correia (28/11/2013 4:31 pm)

Ricardo Correia (20/12/2013 2:00 pm)


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