
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.

Setting it up

In order to activate the archiving function go to the following location:

(root of your eZ Publish  installation)/ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/settings/ezfind.ini

 In your ezfind.ini enable Solr attribute storage like this:


Next re-index the installation with this command, from your ezpublish_legacy folder:

$php extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php -s <admin  site access>

Keep in mind that you must change <admin site access> with your admin site access.

Then go to your solr.ini, which is located here:

(root  of your eZ Publish installation)/ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/settings/solr.ini

 Edit this file by adding a new shard definition, like this:

Shards[archive]=<location Solr archive>

The default setting is Shards[archive]=http://localhost:8984/solr/admin

Example setup

An easy example of how to do this is to copy the java sub-directory like described here:

  1.  Copy .../ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/java to .../ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/archive:
    $  cp -r ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/java ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/archive
  2.  Run the following command in ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/java/:
    $ cd ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/java
    $ java -jar start.jar
  3.  Then activate this second Solr instance in extension/ezfind/archive on a dedicated port:
    $ cd ezpublish_legacy/extension/ezfind/archive
    $ java -jar -Djetty.port=8984 start.jar
  4.  And then as described above assign this URI to the archive shard:

Ricardo Correia (05/02/2013 12:19 pm)

Ricardo Correia (07/02/2013 11:45 am)


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