
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


  • eZ Publish 4.x
  • Java Runtime Environment:
    • for Linux: JRE 5
    • for Mac OS, Windows and Solaris: JRE 6
  • PHP Curl extension is recommended and needed for support

Ester Heylen (11/09/2009 9:57 am)

AndrĂ© R. (22/02/2012 4:08 pm)

Ester Heylen, Paul Borgermans, André R.


  • PHP 5.2 or better

    I installed this with the ezPublish 4.2.0 full install on CentOS 5 and on Ubuntu 8.04LTS. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS provides PHP 5.2 while CentOS provides PHP 5.1. On CentOS I received errors while accessing the default site but not the site_admin. I checked my Apache logs which revealed this: [Thu Feb 04 21:37:15 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'DateTime' not found in /var/www/html/lib/ezc/Feed/src/structs/date.php on line 102, referer: As it turns out the DateTime class was not available until version 5.2
    • Re: PHP 5.2 or better

      I should have checked ezPublish System Requirements first. Please disregard.