
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.


Due to the fact that the Paynet Terminal extension is related to a third-party service outside of the eZ Publish installation, configuration has to be done at two places:

  • Configuring the eZ Publish Paynet Terminal extension
  • Configuring the Paynet Terminal settings on the Paynet Web site

Configuring the extension

The settings for the ezpaynet extension are stored in the file "paynetterminal.ini" which is located in the "settings/" directory of the extension, for example.


Now comes a list and explanations of available configuration options.



ServerIP[]= IP

The IP of the server which is allowed to send us the receipt. This is most frequenty the IP number of the paynet server. If the ServerIP variable is not present in the settings, the IP check will be skipped.

ShopID= number

The Shop ID you will get from Paynet. For testing you can use the ShopID: 00000001. If you get an error that the Merchant ID does not exist, make sure that you use the correct currency.

ShopSubID= number

You should use the ShopSubID for testing only. This ID will identify your shop in their test system. Comment the ShopSubID if you are not using the eZPaynet testsystem.

Language= language code

The two character language code indicates the language that the Paynet redirect page will use.

SecretWord= string

This secret word is a string which is only known by Paynet and you (the merchant). This word ensures that the callback from Paynet to eZ Publish is coming from a trusted source (Paynet). This SecretWord can be generated on the Paynet site and should be regenerated when you suspect that your key is compromised.

Configuring Paynet

The settings of the Paynet Terminal system can be changed as described here. Login to this system at http://www.paynet.no and make sure that the following settings correspond with your eZ Publish configuration:

  • Shop id
  • Department id (If 0000, comment the ShopSubID in your ezpaynet settings.)
  • Currency (The currency must correspond with your locale currency.)

It is important that you use the following settings:



Site URL

The URL of your site. This URL will be shown in the payment interface. Make sure that the URL starts with http!

Complete URL

The URL to which customers are redirected after the payment. Set this URL to:http:// [www.yoursite.com]/paynetterminal/redirect/complete.

Versions prior to PaynetTerminal 1.1 should redirect to: http:// [www.yoursite.com]/shop/checkout/

Abort URL

The URL called when the user clicks on the abort button during the payment. Set this URL to:http:// [www.yoursite.com]/paynetterminal/redirect/abort

Versions prior to PaynetTerminal 1.1 should redirect to: http:// [www.yoursite.com]/shop/basket/

Receipt URL

The callback URL that notifies eZ Publish of succesfull or failed payments. Set this URL to [www.yoursite.com]/paynetterminal/receipt

After a configuration update, you should do some test payment-transactions.

Raymond Bosman (18/03/2005 10:45 am)

Svitlana Shatokhina (11/12/2006 10:06 am)

Raymond Bosman, Sandro Groganz, Svitlana Shatokhina


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