
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Outputs the view template for a node.


{node_view_gui content_node=node [ view=view_mode  [ parameter=value [ ... ] ] ]}


content_node object The target node (as an ezcontentobjecttreenode object). Yes.
view string The view mode that should be used. Yes.
parameter any Parameter(s) that will be passed to the included template. No.


This function makes it possible to display a node using its view (or override) template. The target node must be specified as an "ezcontentobjecttreenode" object using the "content_node" parameter. The "view" parameter specifies which view mode that should be used. All other parameters (of any type) will be passed on and thus become available as template variables in the view template.


Example 1

{def $my_node=fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', 96 ) )}
{node_view_gui view='example' content_node=$my_node}

In this example, node number 96 is fetched and stored in $my_node. The "node_view_gui" function is used to display the target node using the "example" view mode. If there are no override rules for the specified view mode, the system will search for "example.tpl" in the "templates/node/view/" directory of the current design. If the requested template file is not found, eZ Publish will continue searching for it in the fallback designs and the standard design.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 1:17 pm)

Julia Shymova (18/09/2007 12:06 pm)

Balazs Halasy, Ole-Morten Halvorsen, Julia Shymova


  • Parameter use ?

    Maybe that the optional parameter usage should be detailed.

    Which syntax should be used ?
    • Re: Parameter use ?

      Additional [unlimited?] parameters can be passed to the template specified by the 'view' parameter. Additional parameters may have any name, provided it does not conflict with other, specified, parameter names (ie. 'view' and 'content_node') and adhere to standard eZtemplate variable naming conventions. [Other limitations?]

      	my_third_parameter='some text'
      • Re: Re: Parameter use ?

        You could have add how the called view template handles this parameters...
  • Intention of the various 'Standard' views?

    Some documentation regarding the intended use of the various 'views' available in the 'Standard' templates would be helpful. Especially when deciding how/whether to override a template for a particular purpose. [I have not been able to find comprehensive documentation in this regard.]
  • The content_object is set as $node in the view template.

    The content_object is set as $node in the view template.
    • Re: The content_object is set as $node in the view template.

      I assume we should read "content_node is set as $node".

      So great to learn about this in a comment!

      Ez would be so much ez(er) if a little bit more common sens like

      content_node set as $content_node

      or noticing important information at prominent place in the documentation would be used.

      That was again 1 hour lost!

      Truely I like Ez and find it sad to lose so much energy in details.
  • Please complete documentation like this


    Description for content_node:
    The target node (as an ezcontentobjecttreenode object). like ...content_node=$my_node... handled as $node in the matching template.

    Description for paramaters
    parameter any Parameter(s) that will be passed to the included template. Like ...param1='my_string' param2=$my_variable... in this case handle as $param1 and $param2 in the matching template.