
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Includes a file.


{include uri='path_to_file' [ name='namespace' ] [ parameter(s)='value(s)'  ]}


uri string Path + name of the file that should be included. Yes.
name string Alternative namespace for the included template. No.
other parameters any Parameters that will be passed to the included template. No.


This function includes a file in the template from where the function was called. The "uri" parameter must be used to specify the target file. In most cases, the value of this parameter starts with a "design:", which tells the system to look for the desired template within the current (and fallback) design resources. The "name" parameter can be used to specify an alternative namespace for the included template, this is useful for avoiding variable name clashes when including other templates. All other parameters will be passed to the included template as template variables. This function makes it possible to share template code among different parts of the solution.


Example 1

{include uri='design:example/menu.tpl' something='Hello world'}

This example demonstrates how to include a template called "menu.tpl" (which is located within the "example" subdirectory of the "templates" directory. If eZ Publish is unable to find the template in the current design, it will automatically attempt to locate it in one of the fallback designs or the standard design. The value of the "something" parameter will be available through a variable called $something within the template that is included.

Balazs Halasy (06/02/2004 1:19 pm)

Balazs Halasy (28/04/2005 1:55 pm)


  • What schemas does the URI attribute support

    'In most cases, the value of this parameter starts with a "design:"...'

    What are the 'other' cases? Does this function support other URI schemas such as 'http:'?
    • Re: What schemas does the URI attribute support

      At the moment the only other allowed case if 'file'. When used, the path to the desired template needs to be specified starting from the eZ Publish root dir. Afaik, neither the design fallback chain nor the override system will be triggered by such an include.
  • Include limits

    What are the limits on includes? Can I include within an included file? Can I include within an override? Can I include the same file within itself?
    • Re: Include limits

      - Can I include within an included file?

      - Can I include within an override?

      - Can I include the same file within itself?
  • Can I use include with...

    You cannot guess this by reading the doc, so I tried,and :

    - an array as parameter value ? Yes !
    {def $my_param=array(10, 20, 30)}
    {include uri='design:display_array.tpl' param=$my_param}

    - a hash array as parameter ? Yes !
    {def $my_param=hash('abc', 'ABC', 'de', 'DE', 'fghi', 'FGHI')}
    {include uri='design:miscellaneous/display_array.tpl' param=$my_param}

    - a node ? Yes !
    {def $my_param=$node}
    {include uri='design:miscellaneous/display_array.tpl' param=$my_param}
  • Inlude templates located into override


    Is there anyway to include a template located into mydesign/override/templates/... by using this function ?

    I do not succeed although I tried several syntax...
    • Re: Inlude templates located into override

      You could in 3.x but not in 4.0 and higher. Now overrides/ are for overrides.
      • Re: Re: Inlude templates located into override

        And include follow overrides. So you can't include the original template into an override template. Which could have been useful. Now to factorize design (same design, different data_map) I often write a generic template at the root of design and include it into the view and her overrides.
      • Re: Re: Inlude templates located into override

        I've been able to include a template located in the design/override folder in a template located in the design/templates folder, if that is the question. in ezp 4.0.3,
        {include uri="file:design/yourdesignhere/override/templates/yourstuff.tpl"}

  • Name spaces

    Do you mean that any variable I declare with def is global?
    Maybe it's because any include literaly inject code in template?
  • Should I edit any included files from admin.

    Should I edit any included files from admin.
    Please suggest.
  • Not really agree with 'includes a file'

    In reality, this function tries to execute a TPL file and then inserts the result. Not all kind of file...

    If you want to include the content of a CSS file for example, all css brackets { } will be executed like template instructions (and a template engine crash will occur... blank page...).
    There is no way to indicate that the file is not a tpl one (so a literal content instead) ?

    I want to include the content of a file (like a CSS one) which has no {literal} tag inside (I cannot add it myself).