
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Allows anonymous users to rate content


AllowAnonymousRating=enabled | disabled


This setting allows or disallows anonymous users to rate content using eZ Star Rating.
It expects an enabled or disabled state, and if set to enabled the native spam filter will be disabled for anonymous users, allowing them to apply rates.

If you want to allow anonymous users to rate, you will also need to:

  • Give access to anonymous users to ezjscore module, function call, and limitation FunctionList( ezstarrating_rate , ezstarrating_user_has_rated )
  • Enable the UseUserSession setting to avoid anonymous to be considered as a single individual 

Activating this option (along with UseUserSession set to enabled):

  • Will create a session for every anonymous user rating content.
  • Might allow spamming since anonymous user is only authenticated by its session cookie.

Relation with the Session/ForceStart setting:

  • If Session/ForceStart is set to enabled: Existing sessions will be used
  • If Session/ForceStart is set to disabled: New sessions will be created for any user who starts rating content

Note: As of eZ Publish 5, session cookies are always created by default, so, setting ForceStart to disabled won't change this behavior, and existing sessions will be re-used on future visits.



Ricardo Correia (19/12/2013 3:57 pm)

Ricardo Correia (20/12/2013 2:31 pm)


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